
Aug 06, 2007 15:00

ETA: You know shit is bad when BRAD IS LEAVING.
ETA2: A good article to read. And click here to see the new abuse panel. Note that we cannot report people who work for 6A.


I've been writing this post in my head for four days, and it's still incredibly painful to write.

I'm moving off of LJ. After six years of first lurking, then commenting, and generally going merrily along. After four years of being brownstudy.

If you don't know what's going on, read the following. Where there was an option, I linked away from LJ.

Evidence of 6A being a completely evil, money-grubbing, biased, conservative bunch of pricks who do not understand laws and arbitrarily enforce what they believe to be true, while at the same time providing the worst customer service and satifcation I've ever encountered:
Clarification of what LJ is trying to do was finally provided -- in a private abuse explanation request, because 6A are being cowards (and read all the comments to the comment)
Enjoy even more of this stuff over at http://fandomtossed.greatestjournal.com/

And finally, burr86, someone who has always inspired the "God, I hate that guy!" reaction in me, picked on us, resulting in much clamoring for his removal from LJ. Including from me. I don't care if he was only mocking us. He works for a company, he should act professional, especially when a shitstorm is going down and there's been no official response.

Other things worth reading:
malachan's last few entries.
twocorpses's last few entries.

My two entries from the first time they pulled this crap:

Here's how this is going to work for me: I will continue to post on LJ; however, I am withdrawing all financial support and requesting a refund. Not that I'll ever get one. Until September 8th, posts will either be directly on LJ or links to posts I'm making somewhere else. Commenting will remain on. After 9/8, all LJ posts will be links to posts made elsewhere, and commenting will be off on my LJ (my WHOLE LJ, except for an explanatory post at the top), with anony commenting and Open commenting turned on everywhere else. I will probably turn wherever I've relocated to into a feed that you can put on your flist. After that, I will be following the plan the people in favor of a gradual mass movement are developing.

I'm still deciding whether to lock and/or private all my entries, and whether they will be reuploaded on GJ or somesuch. I will probably NOT be deleting my LJ. I have no idea how I'm going to comment on your posts, guys, but hopefully I'll figure it out by September.

Please don't comment just to tell me that leaving LJ is stupid. Please.

who I am:
brownstudy on InsaneJournal and JournalFen
torrentofbabies on GreatestJournal and WordPress
a beta tester on Scribblit (currently my favorite. ♥♥♥♥)

How to complain:
http://bad-wolf-bitch.livejournal.com/2597.html. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ONE.

How to leave:
http://antennapedia.livejournal.com/238132.html (for Macs!)

Tips for staying in touch:

To parallel my post from last time, we're fucked. LJ is extra super officially no longer fandom safe space. I am saying get off now, especially if you participate in a fandom or support anything "illegal." Definitely switch to a basic, ad-free account and make sure you make accounts elsewhere and back up your journal.

If you think this doesn't or can't affect you, remember the "first they came for the communists" stuff. Non-fandomers, odds are that someone on your flist other than me is going to be screwed by this, too.

If there are any lurkers reading my LJ -- something I seriously doubt -- now is the time to alert me to your existence. I don't want to accidentally exclude anyone who wants to read me and/or likes me in my efforts to keep track of all of you as I'm doing this.

Update: Have LJ Archive up through this entry.
Update 2: Have switched all public entries posted before 5/1/2007 to general friendslock. I may or may not be undoing this at some point. If anyone has any entries of mine in their memories they will want to be able to to access, tell me now.
Update 3: Have mostly moved journal to InsaneJournal.
Update 4: Have downsized flist.

leaving town, unlocked because lj sucks

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