sins is looking for visual artists

Nov 08, 2009 12:46

{Download the Call to Artists as a PDF}

Sins Invalid is seeking submissions from visual artists from LGBTQI communities and/or communities of color on the topic of disability and sexuality. We invite submissions for the purpose of inclusion in future visual art exhibits, possible online features, possible publication and certainly for relationship-building.

Sins Invalid began as a performance project that incubates and celebrates artists with disabilities, centralizing artists of color, queer and gender-variant artists as communities who have been historically marginalized. Our work includes an annual show, community-based performance workshops, political education workshops, and a growing online presence. We define disability broadly to include people with physical impairments, people who belong to a sensory minority, people with emotional disabilities, people with cognitive challenges, those with chronic/severe illness, communities impacted by the medicalization of their bodies, including trans, gender variant and intersex people, and others whose bodies do not conform to our culture(s)' notions of "normal" or "functional."

Please include a short personal statement (1 page max. please) including (1) how your work relates to issues of sexuality and disability; (2) how you identify in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation and disability; (3) a description of type of work that you are submitting as well as its dimensions (i.e., three 8x10 inch black and white photos; a 1'x1.5' bronze sculpture depicted in photo; a 3 minute DVD playable in the following format, etc.) (4) exhibition history - where and when the work that you are submitting has been shown before.

PLEASE NOTE: Submissions are limited to 10 work samples. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you want your work returned to you.We are excited to see your work! Please submit a CD, DVD, hard copy, or emailed attachment(s) of your work to: Sins Invalid Submissions, c/o 1370 University Ave. #316, Berkeley, CA 94702, U.S.A. We will contact you to confirm receipt of your work.

Please feel free to email any questions to or call (510) 689-7198.
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