(no subject)

May 31, 2006 12:56

My mom just reminded me of the million reasons why I love architecture, and how much I would regret it if I decided not to pursue it.  She reminded me of the fact that I was the dorky little kid who begged for Lincoln Logs and Legos, dollhouses and popup books about architecture.  And she also reminded me that I have the tendency to absolutely freak out when I make big decisions (and choosing a career is certainly big lol).  And she's right.  I freaked out about college before applying, before sending in the deposit, before accepted students day...I need to stop worrying.  Because honestly, I know I love RPI.  I know I love archiitecture.  I know that I have a passion for design and buildings.  And I need to learn to stop this overanalyzing situations to the point where I convince myself that I am not happy with my given situation, even though I am ecstatic.  So I really am happy right now.  Disregard my last entry.  :)
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