
Oct 30, 2007 22:02

so i am like failing at life
lol i have cs in all my ap classes. and i'm basically like not getting into college. its awful. freakin out. and its like i wanna study, really. i just can't find time. and i'm always so tired!
but hey..i get my lisence in two days. thank the good lord. i thought this day would never flippin come lol.
i feel fat lately
cause volleyball is over. i havent been working out
i need to start running again
and not eating 5 TACOS A DAY
but today was an exception because it was free taco day at taco bell. yes!
not to mention the 10 pounds of chinese food i had when i got home. such a fat fuck. whatever i'll get over it.
i have been wanting to go like crazy shopping lately.
what sucks is i'm broke. haha. its so annoying. theres so much stuff i need. thats why i'm getting a job
i'm gonna try and work at maui nix. julie said they will hire pretty much anyone. and i need a job. bad. its rediculous.
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