Note: ACLU is taking reports of TSA abuse:
TSA Pat-Down Search Abuse.
If you read only one of these TSA links, read this one:
Possibly the best overall review of all the reasons why people have issues with the scanners and have issues with the groping; and why even if you don't opt out, you can still get groped. Good links & history, too. I think it offers the best perspective for folks who are still "so what" on either the scanner or the pat-down.
Body scanners, pat-downs violate law and privacy.
You really shouldn't upset people who are in TV production, because they'll do this:
TSA Body-Searches 3-year-old Girl & Montage Music Video From TSA Inspections.
On the nature of things people might not want revealed on a full body scanner:
Full-body scanners at airports.
Security as kabuki. Not really that secure.
Security Theater Cont: Choose Your Line.
Getting TSA to Look in the Mirror (PS: I want that
tshirt he mentions.)
More info on the dangers of the back-scatter scanner. (The millimeter one appears safer, according to articles so far).
Should You Be Afraid of the Body Scanner Raising the Risk of Cancer? Nah, and Neither Should Pilots.
And we haven't even gotten to the human factor in all this fuss. (Well, you know what I mean.) But ultimately the success of the scans (of *any* type) depends on the wherewithal of the human's ability to interpret what he or she is seeing (or feeling). And that turns out to be pretty iffy:
Guns, Tumors And The Limits Of The Human Eye.