Google is getting less useful in searching for me: it appears to be weighting certain search words on its own which skew my results. I was trying to look up how certain drug testings worked the other day and could only bring up sites addressing how to game or avoid getting positive results from those tests. I finally went into Medline for a couple of technical terms to use, avoided using the "popular" name for the particular drug test, and voila... I can't tell if this is because it's trying to be too "smart" in trying to anticipate the answers based on millions of really dumb questions, or if word sponsorship is raising an invisible hand here or what. Ugh.
I have resurrected some old posts on deafhood at a new blog: I may start moving my more substantive, public posts from here to there as well. We'll see.
Best comment:
But when my daughter reported this to me she said, 'We felt as though we were the adults, talking to a child.' And these kids are why we'll eventually be rid of homophobia -- at least until the next social collapse/apocalypse.
Is it too much to ask for a FUCKING SCIENTIST for a FUCKING SCIENTIFIC POSITION?? Yes? No??
Energy Committee Chairman Candidate Says God Promised no More Catastrophic Climate Change after Noah.
One can hope:
Protest Works. Just Look at the Evidence -- And Start to Fight Back. But it does seem to have worked in California, to some extent.
I don't know whether I agree with this -- I worry that the health plan will be nibbled to death, but maybe they're focusing so much on eviscerating Social Security that it's OK for the moment -- but it's interesting food for thought:
Pelosi's Triumph.
Lots of good discussion and points. I really don't worry too much about this level of detail, but it's fun to dig a bit more deeply now and then:
Can Atheism Be Proven Wrong?