Ha. More work on my computer with the earphone thingies, but worth it. And a big thanks to the Pharyngulea reader who found the transcript for me literally minutes after I posted the uncaptioned youtube link:
“Atheists don’t have no songs” Video and Lyrics While still on the deaf, some people you just want to smack around.
When adults say stupid (yes, stupid) things Mostly I note the explanation and origin of the word kyriarchy with this link.
Truthout About Kyriarchy: An Open Letter To “Feminist” Writers, Bloggers, and Journalists Firing, now disbarment. GOOD.
Anti-Gay Michigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell Fired, Now Facing Disbarment I found this absolutely fascinating.
Scientists say dolphins should be treated as 'non-human persons' How not to apologize:
Cooks Source Apology.
TSA go for the physical gonads and
banks for the fiscal ones. Please tell me the ACLU is at least looking into this government-mandated-sexual-groping issue? Privacy issues, I has them. UPDATE:
Feds Admit to Storing Thousands of Images from Naked Body Scanners. *facepalm*
Phone Apps Aim to Fight Harassment. Everything gets faster, including Hollaback, which is looking at nearly live-time collection of harassment data.
Not that this should be much of a surprise to anyone, but some good analysis here.
Tax System Favors Wealth Over Work.
Because the economic impact of people on unemployment being dumped off it would be... would be... it helps the economy by... erm, yeah right:
The Looming Attack on Unemployment Benefits Yes, because this would be so productive in recovering US economy, jobs, etc:
Witch Hunt: Right-Winger Issa Plans Hundreds of Partisan Investigations of White House This is not a social conservative, this is a christian whackaloon!
Social Conservative Bryan Fischer: Get Rid Of The 'Curse' That Is The Grizzly Bear And goddammit, my grandfather -- with whom I still had many disagreements -- would turn over in his grave: in his day, a conservative wanted to conserve wildlife and habitat... (It was his love of Ronald Reagan and hatred of gubmint spending that we butted heads over.)