Dec 17, 2007 23:31
Everyone is in the same mess. I will be the first to tell you that I am a mess, and everyday I am learning how to be less of a mess. I have seen that I am the problem, I've seen how I have caused the problem and now I am learning how to be the solution to the problem. Life is supposed to be pleasurable, not torment. I have realized that I am tormenting myself over my lusts. The more I acquired the more I was a prisoner. I was judging my success based on other people. Holding myself to a standard. We compare ourselves amongst ourselves. I had to realize that I am the standard and I was created to be my own individual standard. Now I am ready to just be me. That is a lot to work threw because all of us have hid in these little boxes, comparing ourselves to standards because there was a little piece of ourselves that we didn't like or others didn't love. The real you is more interesting then the fake someone else.
Be your own standard.