Memories [Chapter 2]

Mar 04, 2009 20:25

Title: Memories
Author: dephi
Pairing: Pitego
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG - 13 for the angst
Disclaimer: Own the plot, not the characters
Summary: The promised they made should be fulfilled. Yet a person halted him right when he was about to proceed. Would he do it at last, or would he break the promise instead?
Notes: This chapter is still un0beta-ed. Expect errors, and such. I just don't have the time to re-check everything yet. *fails miserably*

At first it was dark, he felt nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing. His vision, did he lose it? Everything was black and dark while he couldn't feel any existence other than him. So, had he succeeded?

Or at least, that was what he hoped when suddenly he felt a light was being lit somewhere. Slowly, he tried to open his closed eyes and adjusted himself with the light, only to find that everything was white as the light shone brightly once he was able to. His brows were drawn together, trying to remember what had happened before, when he realized that he was lying on a bed with a limb body. He tried gathering all the strength he had to sit and breathed heavily as he was able to sit properly on the bed at last.

The view greeting him confused him more than ever. This was definitely not his room but strangely there was a familiar feeling inside this place, though it was more like insecurity. It was somewhere inside his brain but he couldn't name the place yet.

His attention was diverted when he heard a low shriek as he immediately moved his head to the direction of the door, watching as it was slowly opened, revealing an unfamiliar tall guy in white, again. Everything was white and he was afraid that he would hate white at the end if he kept on seeing the same color each time. A sigh escaped his parted lips once the tall guy, he assumed as a doctor judging from his appearance, walked closer and stopped once he was right beside the big bed. A doctor? Now everything came to him as if it was a film which was being played inside his head. Of course he knew this place well. This was a hospital room, just like the one he used to visit frequently.

"I see that you have regained your consciousness." The voice interrupted his thought and Tegoshi moved his head to face the tall physician while his back was leaning against the fluffy pillow. He twitched his mouth, wondering why the hell he was doing before until he found himself in a hospital, moreover with a doctor visiting him. His eyes grew wider as he suddenly remembered something before he immediately looked at his own body, looking for any sign of scar in vain. Nothing was wrong with him, at least nothing he could spot of, and so his attempt was failed?

"I suppose you are all alright now. I am sorry if I brought you here without your permission, but since you were collapsed earlier while I found a vacant room, which is this room, I took the liberation to put you here. But since you seem to be alright now, you'll be discharged whenever you want." The man in white smiled while using a pen to mark the patient's record he held. "Ah oh, my name is Yamashita. I am a doctor here, in cardiac department, and..." Yamapi stopped writing and stole a glance at Tegoshi before the so-called short lecture was started, " should treasure your life more. What will be left for you if you lost it?"

Tegoshi didn't pay full attention to what the young doctor said until he made a speech about life. What did he knew about his life, Tegoshi thought. Everything seemed like a dream which was ended too soon. Miki's illness until her death, the promise they made together - he refused to accept it. The only thing he could do was to fulfill the promise and meet Miki soon, but this guy came and foiled his attempt.

A small laugh escaped Tegoshi's mouth, followed by a louder one, which confused the young doctor even more. Suddenly Tegoshi glared at him and snorted. "You know nothing about it, so just keep your mouth shut and stay out of this."

"What?" Now this brought a big surprise to Yamapi. Saving a life was the job bestowed to him as a doctor and this guy asked him to simply watch him taking his own life - was that a joke? But the serious expression the smaller boy had told him that he was serious although he still couldn't understand why.

"You know nothing!" Tegoshi repeated in a slightly raised tone.

"But I know that life is important. If you are planning a suicide, do it somewhere else, not in a hospital where there are many attempts to save lives." Forgetting his position as a doctor, Yamapi snapped back, feeling furious by the sentence directed straightly to him. For him, life was precious, so he wouldn't let anyone despising it until that much. After a while, he exhaled a deep breath and placed the record back to its original position. "You may go anytime. The sooner the better. Have a nice day, Tegoshi - san." With that he turned away and left the room.


The sun shone brightly as the road was full of people walking along the busy road of Shibuya. It was a crowded Monday morning, the day when activities were all resumed and laziness disappeared slowly.

Two guys were walking side by side along with the commotion of people, one of them was taller than normal Japanese guy with extremely small eyes, while the other one was way shorter than the first guy, chubby cheeks and bright smile were the accessories. Not even a word was exchanged between the two of them as they continued their walk until they reached a tall apartment building in Shibuya. Stepping inside the lift, they waited until it reached the 11th floor and got out of the metal box once they arrived there. Their adventure was continued until they reached the front door of a certain room. Without any words being said, both guys released a sigh from each of their mouth in coordination before they exchanged look with each other and, once again, a sigh escaped their lips.

The tall guy's thin fingers slowly reached the bell and pressed it then he exhaled a deep breath. Nervousness overwhelmed his heart while he was waiting for the door being opened by its owner, and apparently the shorter guy had more or less the same amount of nerve as the bright smile slowly faded away.

Surprisingly, it did not take long until the door was opened as the owner revealed himself. Without saying anything, the host went inside the room again, followed by the two guests who were seated at the comfortable couch inside the room at the end. Exchanging another eye contact, both of the guests stared at the small boy who returned back with a few cold soda cans, placing it on the table.

"T-Tegonyan?" The taller boy spoke up, trying to break the endless silence inside the room. Having heard his name being mentioned, Tegoshi tilted his head, only to reveal the black circle and bag under his eyes which looked more apparent than ever now.


The tall guy almost hesitated to continue his sentence - almost if only Tegoshi being such a mess was not that apparent in his eyes - but he exhaled a deep breath instead as his lips curved into a smile. "Well, how are you?"

Still with the same expressionless face, Tegoshi stared at the other guy for a moment before he opened his mouth to give his answer. "I am fine, Kei - chan."

Kei - chan, or Koyama Keiichirou, bit his lower lip while forcing the smile not to leave his face. No matter how much he saw Tegoshi, there was no way that the younger guy was alright, though it was impossible for him to voice his mind out. It was impossible for him, but apparently it was not the same for his companion who had been waiting for his chance to speak up after him being unusually quiet.

"You are far from alright, Tegoshi." he declared it straightly without a smile.

Turning to the chubby man, Tegoshi let his first sigh passed his not-so-red lips and tugged a smile, which was obviously a fake. "You were just imagining thing, Massu."

Masuda Takahisa - Massu - ignored his friend's answer and kept on staring at Tegoshi. "No, you really are not alright. You need to take a rest and you'll be able to get over your depression at the end."

"Depression?" A laugh was heard from the host's mouth. "I am not depressed, Massu."

"Is it about Miki? She has passed away, for God's sake! Why can't you just accept that fact, Tegoshi!" Massu shouted in irritation. From the time Miki's death was made public, Massu had always seen the same expression on Tegoshi's face. Not only had him, Koyama seen that too. Tegoshi was there but his soul was not. Being good friends, the two of them took the initiative to confront the younger boy and perhaps, helping him to get over the depression which haunted him. But apparently, Tegoshi's state was even worse than what they had expected to see.

"Massu..." Koyama murmured, looking at Massu with a worried expression before turning his gaze to Tegoshi only to see the change of expression in his face.

"Do you think that Miki would like seeing you like this? You are just using her as an excuse, Tegoshi. So stop it, and accept the fact!"

A loud 'bang' was suddenly being heard as Tegoshi's hand made contact with the thick table. "You know nothing at all, not about me, not even about Miki!" He stared at Massu as his eyes were full of anger. First, a doctor, and now both of his friends? Apparently, nobody understood him other than Miki. Yes, that was another reason why he had to be beside her soon. "Just leave! I don't want to listen to any of your bullshit anymore!" With that, Tegoshi pulled the two guys and sent them away from his room, ignoring their protests, before closing the door right in front of them. Biting his lower lip, he fell down to the floor and hugged his knees to his chest while tears fell down one by one from both of his eyes.

Nobody understands me...


Noticing their failure, both Koyama and Massu groaned in frustration while walking back to the lift and waited for the small box to be opened. They had tried, but that did not really mean that they would succeed, although they wished they would.

Just when they were about to say something with each other, to break the silence once again, the lift was opened while a man came out of the metal box and walked past them. Koyama stepped inside the lift immediately but Massu stood still on his place while observing the man's feature.

"Nee, Koyama, isn't that..." He suddenly spoke up, looking at the taller man.


"I-It's him. It's him..." Massu turned his gaze to seek for the same figure which had disappeared. This was not a sign of something good so he couldn't help but worry. But then, who knows?

E/N: Frankly speaking, I hate this chapter. The story line is boring while I don't really think that it's nicely written, especially with errors and such. I am so sorry about that, I'm a bit depressed over a few things including the fact that I've just started a new semester which means that I'll have to work with death bodies a.k.a anatomy, while the toefl I take earlier was such a mess... ><
I'll get back later when I have the time to check the errors, and such, though I'd love to have someone beta-ing this. lol~

g : angst, p : tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa, r : pg-13, *multichapter

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