Forgive Me Not

Feb 13, 2009 14:28

Title: Forgive Me Not
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The plot is mine.. :D
Summary: Ryo and Tatsuya were having another fight.
A/N: a birthday present for my dearest haruhi_hikaru. Very short and un-beta-ed. Sorry, I couldn't write better summary.

The sky was turning red as the sun slowly disappeared from sight. Ryo had just arrived at the apartment and stared at the sky. Beautiful, indeed. A small smile was curved when he thought of that before she shook his head a few times.

He put the key to the hole and opened the door slowly, trying to not to make any voice. He scanned inside the room first before stepping inside it. A sigh escaped his mouth as he noticed that there were no lights at all.

He's not returning...

His mind flew back to what had happened a few hours earlier. The problem was simple, or rather there shouldn't have been any problem if only he could control the jealousy inside his heart. But then, he couldn't help it, seeing how his boyfriend getting so close with his band mates, although it was not a big deal at all. Jealousy made him unable to think properly. He remembered how he simply stood in front of the opened door and Jin approached to greet him, but he shoved it and threw some sharp words to his best friend. Jin, as usual, came to Kame, seeking for comfort. That should have been the end.

But Ryo was not satisfied by it. He walked to his lover's place and grabbed his hand tightly, intending to pull him away. If only it was the usual thing, Tatsuya should have been able to tolerate it. But this time, he had reached his limit and fought back, didn't want to follow what Ryo wanted.

Ryo was surprised when he realized that he had lost what he grabbed as Tatsuya managed to freed his hand from being hurt further. Ryo turned his head immediately only to meet the older man's angry glare.

Retorts and hurtful words were thrown to each other. None of them, especially Ryo, were able to think properly anymore as it was ended when the rest of KAT-TUN parted them away. Still in anger, Ryo said those words.

"Just do whatever you want. I don't care anymore. You don't even have to return back home anymore."

Now when he thought about it, he was such a fool to say those words to Tatsuya when he knew how sensitive his lover could be. Ryo could still remember Tatsuya's sad look clearly, before the older man declared that he would do so. Anger took the control over him and he left the room irritatedly, without even asking for an apologize or else.

That was a wrong decision.

Regrets haunted him as he looked around his quiet apartment. Usually a wide smile would wait him when he returned back, or he would be the one in waiting. But this time, he knew that Tatsuya's schedule was not that packed so he should have been able to be home earlier, yet there was no trace of him inside here.

He took it seriously.

Ryo let out a sigh before he threw his bag on the table. Why did this have to be happened? He didn't know. All he understood was the fact that Tatsuya might not return to his side anymore. It was his fault, but it was too late to regret it now. The fact that Tatsuya decided not to return back here just proved that.

Another sigh was out from Ryo's mouth. It hurt his head to think about this again. Besides, there was no use in pondering over it. Rather than being too attached with it, he should have used his time to think of how to apologize to Tatsuya. Perhaps, the older man would forgive him this time.

The bell rang when Ryo was about to make dinner. He groaned before reaching the door. Who the hell would come in times like this other than his silly friends? Ryo secretly made a mental note to apologize if Jin was the one coming.

He opened the door slowly. "What is IT?" his eyes grew wider when he saw a small figure instead of his baka friends. "T-Tatsuya..." he murmured. His boyfriend's coming was quite unexpected so he didn't know how to react for this.

"I-I..." the older man bit his lower lip. "I'm sorry, Ryo..."

Ryo blinked his eyes a few times. What? -- he thought. He must have been hearing things. It was so unlikely of Tatsuya to be like this. Letting out a sigh, Ryo pulled the older man into his embrace.

"No, it's alright. And I should be the one to ask for your forgiveness." Ryo took a deep breath. "Forgive me, will you?"

No words were exchanged after that but both of them knew that everything was alright as a smile slowly appeared in both mouth.

*oneshot, r : pg, p : nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya

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