Oh, jeebus

Sep 30, 2007 08:15

So. About this time last year I had boy troubles. That crazy motherfucker Joseph Materi and his emotionally manipulative, dastard ways. And then came Eric Jinkins, my knight in shining armor of sorts.

I have been in a relationship with Eric Jinkins for about seven--almost eight--months. We got together February 8, 2007. He asked me out in November 2006--day of the Alhambra Ball. Back then I did have a crush on him, but I thought that would go away. Then through MySpace around January and February, I saw some coquettish comments left by Stephanie DeAngelo on Eric's Myspace. Aroused my jealousy. So then I told Eric that I liked him on February 7, 2007. Kia had told him a week earlier that I like him when he told her that he was planning on dating Stephanie. Eric freaked out when he learned that I, apparently a supressed flame of desire, liked him while stimultanously making motions to date Stephanie. But Eric chose me. Yay. I gave him his first kiss on Valentine's Day, February, 14, 2007.

Now since began, I had a mild fancy for William C. I had 6th period debate with him. I thought that would pass, but then Eric wanted to eat lunch in the same area as Cal. I was overt in my flirting with Cal during lunch. I would ignore Eric and my other friends to talk with Cal. I thought I was being discreet...

Then James E. Taylor of Katy debate tournament happened. I really fell for Cal. I would flirt, he would flirt back. Last Saturday (not yesterday) I made the decision to break up with Eric.

My relationship with Eric had been rocky. He is so emotionally unstable, and I just can't handle it anymore. He says that he's getting better and learning to control it--but he'll still have relapses. When he gets in one of his moods, he'll cut off contact with me. I can't stand that. I am somewhat annoyed that he keeps going on how everything is fine because I'm fulfilling his needs. What about my goddamn needs? Ever considered them?! And in the end, he needs me more than I need him. I have never loved him, and he's told me repeatedly that he was in love with me.

I do feel guilty about the Cal thing. It just looks so bad. Which is why, after I broke up with Eric last Tuesday, I later went on a "break" (bullshit!) with Eric. I guess it saves face for me because a lot of my friends' reactions were based on how Eric took it. So a break lessens the shock of breaking-up. I'll have to do that on Monday. I am being very unfair to Eric by going around with Cal.

Oh, but I have had some lovely times with Cal this past weekend. It's just going to look so bad how quickly I got into a relationship with Cal after ending things with Eric.
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