It is never okay to disregard a transperson's preferred gender identity. Not if he's a compulsive liar, not if he's a demonstrated con-artist, not if he's dragging down the name of fandom, not if he's the worst person on the internet.
Let me recontextualize, with a hypothetical: "It is never okay to slut-shame. Not if she's a compulsive liar, a demonstrated con-artist, dragging down the good name of fandom..."
Clearer now?
(Betty, I have no idea what you are talking about! you say. You lucky bastard, I say.)
ETA: Please watch yourself carefully in discussion so as to avoid framing this as a hypothetical or abstract issue, and remember this is a discussionn about real people (people as well as VB) who must constantly defend their right to a minimum of human decency. These discussion are painful to my friends, and maybe yours too.
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