On being a Constitutional Monarchy

Jul 17, 2008 15:33

Or, as all Canadians secretly refer to themselves in their hearts, "godless communists."

I was looking at the banknotes of Canada in a friend's locked entry, and thinking how convenient it is to have a Queen: whenever someone on a banknote becomes historically embarrassing, and we have no ready substitute, we just stick Liz on it. Let's be frank, she has a great face for coinage.* (Unlike some I won't mention, wtf.)

But can we agree to secede from the Commonwealth before Chuck wears the pointy hat? There is no graven image of that man I want to carry around in my pants.

* I would link to the mint website, but they are winning this month's Accessibility-Shmaccessibility! award with an all-Flash website.

spam: canadiana

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