SPN 3.01

Oct 06, 2007 14:53

Doublemint twins! Bacon breakfast! Dean working Sam's guilt! Sam with his nose in a book! Women! Okay, they're sort of shallowly characterized at the moment, but I think something could be done with them.

ETA THE SECOND Bobby sure cleans up nice, don't he?

The following is the things that make me less than enthusiastic, so stop reading if you don't want squee harshening:

The new intro could be a remix of women's work.
Black dude was schmuck-bait from "You'd lose your head if it wasn't for me."
Ugh. The bar scene caused me to have to go read yuletide fandoms for twenty minutes. Guys, that's -- ugh. No. Don't. Stop that right now.

ETA: Unrelated to Supernatural, the Organization for Transformative Works is looking for beta testers on their plan to teach coding to non-coders. If you don't consider yourself a coder, and have some spare time, you might find it interesting to learn the basics of Ruby and Python and report on your experience. I found it really fun, and if you're a little geeky, you might too.

ALSO: does anyone want to beta my yuletide requests?

spam: links, fandom: oh wait panic!, fandom: supernatural

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