World's Finest: Post I

Sep 15, 2006 16:10

As a birthday present to me, I bought Superman and Batman: World's Finest.

It is like toon!love in a bottle, or shoddy dvd case, as the case may be. First post of what will probably be several, spamming you with screen caps to show you why this is the awesomest toon to ever awesome.

Some people naturally have violet eyes, okay?

Lois is on an airplane, doing reportery things, when all of a sudden!

Hijacker: "Wait... that Lois Lane?"

Lois: "Kiss your ass goodbye."

Up in the sky! It's...

Teeeeeeny tiny Superman!

The best part about this scene is that you can pretend it's what happened in Superman Returns.

So... Superman...

Ms. Lane! Allow me to give you a Super-hug!

I'm off to save the day somewhere!

Lois: "Superman, wait!"

Superman: *awkward hopping*

*not impressed*

"See, I had this idea. Well, really more of ..."

"What about, you and I get together some time?"


"Oh, drat."


*stupid plan*

world's finest

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