Feb 19, 2015 12:56
The Peasonhall carnival saw me as Noddy and my brother Paul as Big Ears pushing me in a newly painted pedal car which broke down half way through the procession. The elastic keeping my Noddy hat secure chafed under my chin. Paul as Big Ears decided to push, which inadvertently activated the pedals which gave me a painful rap as they whirled round the inside of the car. Like Noddy, who I looked like, I also felt at that moment like Noddy whose love hate relationship with his big eared friend obliged me to give him a bollocking for pushing when I hadn't got my legs out of the way. The newly painted car still showed tell tale signs of its former life as a police car. A bluey tinged yellow chassis and the old metal police badge resisted its Noddy makeover and the silvery metal poked through the hastily painted badge which nudged through the layer of yellow like an Enid Blyton adjective.