2 months ago I started a new project:
I've posted a couple "coming soon" messages but haven't had anything solid to show--until now.
I spent today prparing, uploading, and labeling the first batch of photos. About 130 photos are uploaded, and about 80 of them have been labeled. About half-way through I realized that my organization plan wasn't going to work, so I'm going to have to create new albums and rearrange stuff, but that's not a big deal.
"Preparing means taking a scan that has 8-10 photos on it, cutting and pasting each photo into its own file, rotating (if need be), adjusting brightness and contrast, saving, and then batch resizing.
"Labeling" involves finding the physical photo (in a stack of about 300) that matches the uploaded scan and typing in what's written on the back.
These images represent about one-third of the photos I have. And then there's the video. It's going to be a big project, but I think it's worth it.