First Hunt

Oct 05, 2010 19:23

All right; listen up. I'm your Professor for Advance Care of Magical Creatures, Dean Winchester. In my class there's going to be less emphasis on the care of them, and more of how to deal with them out in the wild, and or if your pet goes postal. I don't care how cute it looks; it could kill you if you're not careful. We'll be going in to the forest, so man up before you come to my class, I'm not going to hold your hand and tell you that the giant spiders won't kill you. I'm only taking sixth and seventh years who have their OWL in the regular class. You can take the regular course and the advance class.

I don't have many rules, except that I'm in charge and you'll listen to me. Any trouble means you'll have to run laps, around the castle. Muggle kids have gym class, so why shouldn't wizard kids have a work out?

Any of you kids in Defense against the Dark Arts will see me there too; I'll be bringing in some creatures. You can't learn everything from books, especially for that class. I'm doing this as a favor to the teachers; I went here with Thobari and Kazuhiko. If you want to see something funny, ask them about that time in the bathroom after Hufflepuff played Ravenclaw.

[Filtered to Castiel]

Cas? You still brooding up this place?


yukimi, castiel, gabriel, the whistle makes me god, ask about that one time, bob, no wimps allowed, thobari, lili, i'm a teacher

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