Everything We Had^The picture was as small as crapp, click the link for full size. Plus its great quality. And yesh, it's also my official photobucket.
I got mah Santi CD playing on repeat, so why not change the title. I changed it to Everything We Had {Such a sad song, yet so sweet} and I think it'll fit the story moree. I made it on Fotoshoppe CS4 in about an hour. The text in the background had to fit with the perfect font and size. It isn't easyy. Also, I will come out wiff a character reference page when we get to chapter fivee. By then, there's a character that's pretty important that isn't on here, and I'd liek you kno waht she lookx liek. But, yesh. That's the wonderful homemade banner. Comments saying it's crap or that you luff it would be nice, I'll luff chuu for itt. {{: