Title: Voices
brookenoxPairing: Frerard
Rating: R15
Disclaimer: I do not own Frank, Gerard or any other of the boys from My Chemical Romance. This is pure fiction and for my enjoyment and the enjoyment of others.
Summary: Gerard is hearing voices in his head, but refuses to admit his is schizophrenic. Is he really mentally ill? or is it something deeper than that.
Warnings: Language
Writers block is gone! In fact, it's so gone I have started another story. WOO!
“Gerard! Please calm down!” Mikey screamed from the safety of behind the couch.
“GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!” Gerard was pacing around the living room, smashing things, grabbing CD’s and throwing them against the wall. He was hysterical and Mikey had no idea how to stop him. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!? I WON’T DO IT!”
Mikey slipped out his cell phone, punching in Frank’s number. If anyone could help Gerard through his episode it was Frank. But this was a new thing. It had only happened once before and not to this excess.
“Hello? Mikey? What’s going on over there?” Frank's voice was full with concern, although he probably knew it was Gerard. More than likely assuming he had had a bad trip or got too aggressive drinking.
“Frank. Gerard, he’s lost it. He is screaming and smashing things and yelling ‘get the fuck out of my head’ I tried talking to him but he threw Mom’s vase at me. It’s like he is possessed. You have to help me!” Mikey started to cry, large tears streaming from his eyes. “I don’t know what to do!”
“Okay Mikes, just stay calm. I’ll be over there as soon as I can.”
Mikey stayed hidden behind the turned over couch, blocking his ears singing to himself trying to block out Gerard’s creams of pain.
“I won’t do it… BECAUSE IT’S MONSTROUS THAT’S WHY! What? no please, don’t hurt me. AHHHHH! NO I WON’T. You can hurt me all you like… I won’t’.”
“Gerard?” Mikey heard Frank’s voice over Gerard’s hysterical screaming. “Mikey? Where are you?!” Mikey came over cautiously from behind the couch. When Frank caught sight of him and started yelling at him. Mikey had had enough yelling.
“Call an ambulance Mikey! He is in pain!” Mikey stood still in statue like fear. “Mikey! DO IT!” Mikey snapped out of it and pulled out his phone.
“FRANK THEIR HURTING ME! STOP THEM!” Another agonizing scream left Gerard’s body. Frank stood there holding Gerard to him, trying to sooth him.
Mikey couldn’t help but pray to god the ambulance would arrive soon.
A/N: Hey guys. I've written chapter one to this story but won't be posting it all until I have completed it. If you could just tell me your thought's on it so I can see if people are interested in it. Cahpter One has a lot of information in it and I will post this again to remind you about this story later on :]
Brooke xo.