Muse Name: Sir Guy of Gisborne
Fandom: Robin Hood
Prompt Number: Week 15 - Mun Inquries
Title: Silly Questions
Warnings/Disclaimers: Don't blame me for muse's answers. He wasn't happy about it.
Word Count: n/a
1. Why don't we ever drop daisies on other countries to let them know that we love them?Why on earth would we drop daisies on other
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2. Shouldn't women earn bachelorette's degrees? What?
3. If you have to ask if her boobs are real, does it really matter? Wait, boobs are... Oh. *Blush*
4. Do the homeless have all the carts with functional wheels? I doubt many homeless people have carts. If they have no home, why would they have equipment such as that?
5. Can a person be scared "half to death" twice? Perhaps that is a question the Nazgul might answer, but I would not wish to get close enough to ask it.
6. If my dog attacked someone yesterday, do I say he sicked him or suck him? I say you should better train your dog.
7. Shouldn't the word "big" be ... bigger? What?
8. Were Third World countries unhappy before television? What is a Third World country and are countries unhappy? Their people might be, but a whole nation?
9. What if you finally "find yourself" and you're not that impressed? Finally? I'm right here?
10. Do you ever walk in and find your computer processing information? Are they plotting to overthrow us? I do not have a computer.
11. What does "feng shui" mean in Chinese? Bull sh#$t? I don't know, as Chinese is not one of the languages I speak.
12. Are spells good worldwide, or do they lose power with distance? I suppose it depends upon the spell and it would be better to ask a wizard. The ones I know of do not lose their power--but they are the most powerful of spells or I'd not have heard of them.
13. So male gynecologists never get erect? What is a gynecologist?
14. Is it bad luck to run over a black cat to prevent it from crossing your path? I like cats and would not run them over at all.
15. Why does God put all of the brilliant brains inside ugly heads? Perhaps it is so where you come from, but if many of the intelligent people I have met are ugly, then you and I have different definitions of the word.
16. Billy Graham said that Heaven is "a neverending family reunion". Isn't Hell the same? I do not know Billy Graham, and there is neither heaven nor hell in Middle-earth.
17. Why don't psychics ever win the lottery? What?
18. Do porn stars have undress rehearsals? What's porn? Porn stars?
19. When your palm itches, it means you're supposed to get money. What does it mean when your butt itches? That you're about to get kicked, or something else vulgar.
20. If cocaine were legal, would they sell it in little packages like Sweet N' Low? Would they call it Sweet N' High? I do not know either cocaine or Sweet N' Low, so I'm sure I have no idea.
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