Its not the long trips away from home that get to you. Its not even that they come back-to-back. Its being out here alone that's the worst part. I'm coming up on the end of my second two-weeker in a row (how am I getting back from the airport this time?), but this time I was lucky enough to host
kelizra, who made the sojourn up to MSP Friday night. We
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And I wouldn't take any arcane meaning to you losing all cohesion when you call it quits for the day. It takes a lot out of you to keep running at full-bore like that, especially for 12+ hours at a time. Hell, I don't work those hours and I have a hard time doing prep for a twice-a-month D&D game during the week. I also would be shocked if your brain hadn't associated walking into your hotel room with "alright, time to slow down and defrag before we do it again tomorrow". Your brain likes associating things, otherwise it couldn't throw f'd up dreams at you all the time.
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