So this morning I was in my hotel room until a bit past 1100, when I walked up to the local Subways to get lunch. Walking out the hotel door,though, I was surprised by what I found. There was snow on the ground. Not a little, either. It was 60-someodd degrees outside, and there was a rapidly melting blanket of snow, still about 2 inches deep, everywhere. For me, it was one of those "What the...oh. Huh, I guess that makes sense." moments. I knew the temperate was falling to the mid-30's overnight, I just didn't expect there to be much precipitation. The roads and other open areas are covered with the thick, low fog we sometimes get in New England when there's a sudden warm-up after a heavy snowfall. I took a few pictures for the visual edification of my audience.
The mountains to the west:
My car:
If I remember, I'll post a comparison shot of the mountains tomorrow when the snow melts off.