Oct 06, 2008 08:25
I got out of bed at six with no arguments.
Daisy had made no messes in the kitchen overnight, had used her litter box, and was sleeping in the little box we made her up with bubble wrap covered in a towel in the bottom (as she'd soiled her blanket so we'd had to wash it and it was still drying).
I managed to make up Daisy's breakfast, including her medicine, cook rice, pack lunch, pack dinner, pack all my books, eat breakfast, scoop Daisy's litter, get a suit on, didn't forget deodorant or my teeth, styled my hair and still got into school for eight. (Although admittedly I didn't make my bed or draw the curtains.)
We're doing negotations in civil in pairs today and tomorrow so I only have to go in for forty minutes today and not at all tomorrow (still have to go to criminal of course).
Criminal practitioners' evening tonight -- will demonstrate my new bail application skilz in front of a Real Live Practitioner (hopefully barrister). I'm nervous about that, obviously, but mostly excited.
law geek,