I found
this article whilst having a browse through the website of the Anglican Church of Canada this morning and I am just so angry.
I really, really hate the government we have in Canada right now. Harper is an arrogant jerk. He's only not as bad as Bush because he doesn't have as much power. He's pulled us out of Kyoto, is refusing to sign the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, wants to reverse the decision of the previous government to extend equal marriage rights to same-sex couples, has expressed regret that Canada didn't go into Iraq, and the government is also taking rather frighteningly
drastic steps to increase North American integration. And this is a minority Conservative government! How quickly will we go to hell if they had a majority? How quickly would tuition fees skyrocket? How quickly would they privatise healthcare? Restrict access to abortion and other reproductive health services? Cut corporate taxes?
I was giving reluctant kudos to the Harper government for signing off on the agreement to give the Inuit of Quebec's north
self-government a couple of weeks ago.
Well, kudos revoked. He is no leader on aboriginal rights, none at all.