the big, bad city... or... not.

Nov 14, 2006 14:34

Well, the purse that went missing off a C2 bus around two and a half weeks ago was in fact not pinched.

At the time, I just cancelled all my cards and shrugged my shoulders figuring I'd never get it back. The last time something like this happened, it was hell trying to get hold of any Lost Property office, so I just thought it wasn't worth the hassle for the miniscule chance that someone might have turned it in.

However, when it came time to re-order a national insurance card, I discovered that they will only issue one replacement and then you've had it, even if you change your name, so I thought I'd better do the chasing involved.

It wasn't that bad. I called the main London buses number and asked if I could speak to the lost property office of the particular bus company who run the C2 bus, and the lady told me that after four days the garages will forward on any lost property to the general LPO, and gave me their number. I called the general LPO, and the lady there took all the details and then announced that the purse had been found, complete with £13 and CN$5 untouched in it. And my keys. She did not, however, have any record of the national insurance card. I am keeping fingers crossed that whoever was doing inventory of the purse simply didn't recognise it.

I have to pay £4 to pick it up there or £8.50 extra to have it mailed to me. I can't help thinking it's bloody cheek to expect me to pay to reclaim my own belongings, but I doubt I'd get anywhere fighting it. I'll just go tomorrow when it opens -- 8:30 -- be a bit late for work and move on.

Sure hope that national insurance card is in there! Either way I'm £9 and $5 the winner, I guess, as I'd kissed that money goodbye completely.
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