Started a new position last week.
It actually all went a bit "it never rains but it pours" the week before last. On Wednesday night I received an email from the funny woman who's head of the temp division at Lifeline, and who called me to tell me NOT TO GO BACK TO MY BOOKING when I returned to Guy's for my forgotten filofax. It was as follows:
Temp - Perm positions;
1. Medical Secretary - £20,000 - West End
2. Office Manager - £25,000 - West End
Permanent position;
1. Office Manager - Charity - West End
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards"
Having got the VERY STRONG ALL-CAPS HINT that I was not to telephone back, I responded by email to say that based on the information given I'd be interested in all three, but would like to see job specs, if possible. Haven't heard anything from them since.
Then, Thursday, I got a phone call from an agent at Charity People asking if I'd be interested in a six-week office management placement with a charity called Keyring, which helps adults with learning difficulties live independently, for £10 an hour in Old Street. I said I definitely would and the agent said she'd put my CV forward and let me know.
Almost no sooner had I got off the phone than Lori came and told me she'd just been to speak to their HR person to say that, although it was almost certain she'd have her brace off the following week, she didn't feel completely comfortable about transiting into nine-hour days of non-stop typing and could I possibly work with them Monday to Wednesday the following week?
I explained about the phone call from Charity People and Lori said that under no circumstances was I to sacrifice a six-week placement for three more days at Pricoa. I pointed out that it wasn't certain I'd get the position and she asked if a three-day placement would mess me up for getting a full week of work. I admitted that it was possible but pointed out that in the past six weeks I'd had two weeks with no work whatsoever, and three days was certainly better than nothing. She reiterated that if I got the six-week placement I should take it, and I said, "Well, if I don't, I think three days is a good deal and I'll be here next week. If I do -- well, I agree with you!"
Again, hardly had this conversation finished than Charity People texted to say I'd got the position. Then came the gushing call from Maine-Tucker about how "keen" Pricoa were to have me for an extra three days.
I was really relieved, and still am, to be home and safe for six weeks (well, down to four and a half now, eeps) of employment. But I was a bit worried about Lori. I'd said that I hoped she'd get a good temp for the three days the following week and she'd made noises to the effect that they wouldn't bother getting someone else as she'd have to be trained. I knew that her hand was getting sore after just a few emails and I felt a bit like I was leaving her in the lurch.
So on Friday, getting Lori's OK on it beforehand, I phoned up Charity People to see if there was any way I could start at Keyring later in the week. I explained about the whole situation with Lori and said that ideally I'd love to start on Thursday, but Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever they'd let me get away with would also be fine. With heavy prompting from Lori in the background I also made it very clear that I definitely wanted the position even if I had to start on Monday.
And it worked! They called back to say I could start on Wednesday.
Lori, hissing in the background: And that's not jeapordising the role?
Me, into phone: And that's OK? They don't mind me starting late?
CP: Actually, they were very impressed that you were showing such conscientiousness and loyalty to your current booking.
Me, to self: Yahoooooo!
One hour commute now, not two, and I'm working 9-5, not 9-6! Need I say more????
More later... has been good ten days or so....