
May 26, 2006 07:17


Je suis désolée.  I tried to do the virtual tour of the Chelsea Flower Show only to find that the BBC have apparently upgraded something and I now have to be content with slightly-larger-than-thumbnail stills - one per garden.  Ah well, w00t for the BBC TV coverage.  Next week it's "Spring Watch".  Yay!

Seem to remember, last year, that coverage went 'Spring Watch', Chelsea, 'Wimbledon' (yuk!).  Ah well, Spring was late, and very rushed, this year.  Now, and for the past couple of weeks, it's raining.  OK, so we need it but it's been raining daily, & nightly, for the past fortnight.  The earth can't take much more for now, it'll just run off & get 'wasted'.

Apparently it's been the wettest May for goodness knows how long.  We've had more than twice the average rainfall for May.  Bearing in mind we've also had 18 months of drought, it's only going to be a help.  We are still going to have to be very careful with water this summer, possibly next autumn & winter too.  Mind you, the past couple of days, though it's looked threatening at times, it's been sunny, warm even yesterday.

Anyway, as a result of all this square-eyedness I've gotten one pair of socks knitted - try here.  All thanks to the wonderful Asthmatic Kitten for getting the link to work.  One of these day's it'll go first time - & we'll all fall about in shock!  In fact I've been watching so much TV I'm currently 2/3 the way through a Fyberspates pink/purple yarn sock too - should finish that today.  Tomorrow may well seen the other started - 'Dr Who'  & more Chelsea coverage.  Hmmm, better get something else for 'Spring Watch'!  *Later - I did.  Having duly displayed the socks at the Together meeting today I got an order - for a pair of size 8s.  Have taken a deposit of £5, to cover the cost of the yarn.  Other £5 (for the knitting) due on delivery.  There now - more orders anyone?

On a completely different subject - a while back the BBC News website conducted a poll to find out what kind of energy generation we would favour.   Results are in.  Those who responded opted for renewable sources - wind, hydro, solar etc,  then nuclear, then, & a long way behind, fossil fuel generation.  So the government (aka Tony Blair) wants to go ahead and build more nuclear power plants.  I think not, so wind farms may be a bit noisy, & look funny - they aren't that bad, I've seen some - at least they won't be contaminating their immediate environment for the next few hundred thousand years.  Or everywhere if something goes drastically wrong - look at Three Mile Island, or Chernobyl.

I only heard yesterday, while lying in the Dentist's chair, that a climber had been left to die on Everest - passed by by FORTY other climbers.  I was disgusted then.  A discussion of the ethics of this act is given here.   OK, so I wasn't  up there on Everest at the time.  But just to go on & leave someone to die?  So the others only had the minimum amount of oxygen with them?  Heck, didn't Tensing & Sir Edmund Hilary  climb Everest in 1953 without extra oxygen?  It's bad enough that people die climbing the mountain in the first place but to just go on regardless & leave someone to die while you get you five minutes at the top - that seems nigh on inexcusable to me.  What happened to treating people as people?  Good Samaritan, I think not.

Gosh, look at the time.  As it isn't , currently, raining I think I might try swimming this morning before tackling the paperwork with Together down the pub.

Y'all have a good day now!

weather, power generation, medications, chelsea, socks

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