(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 07:25


Apparently there have been temperatures of -6C recorded overnight around the country (hence the icon).  Told you this March was going out like a Polar Bear, though 'highs' of 8 and 9 degrees are forecast for today.  That'll be just one jumper rather than two or three then, & ordinary socks rathe than ski or thermals.  Having said which - the hazel catkins, which were just coming out five weeks ago, are now long, dangly, & even looking a bit tatty around the edges.  There are primroses blooming on various shady banks between Portsmouth & Bristol, well between Salisbury & Bristol anyhow.  I spent most of the first part of the journey catching up on sleep -  & that was even with a large cup of coffee!

There were lambs in most fields of sheep too, some of them quite large. Only saw a couple of fields with sheep & no lambs, though the dairy cows are still being kept in (probably too cold for the grass to grow yet). We saw a couple buzzards on our coach travels over the weekend, maybe even a bustard (though I don't know whether they're trying to re-establish them in Cornwall), and a jay at Cotehele too. Mum said there was a pheasant at the foot of her bird table the other morning - which is a kinda rare occurrance at ths time of year. I mean seeing a pheasant at this time of year is a bit of a rareity (heard one in the woods across the Tamar from Cotehele Quay Sunday morning). Actually having one near her bird table is quite rare too, though the open countryside (farmland) is only another three gardens up from hers.

Then I'm certain I saw May blossom (Blackthorn, NOT the month) in some of the hedgerows.   Apparently around the time of year that blossoms it's customary to get a cold snap, known as "Blackthorn Winter".  So maybe this Polar Bear end of March is just that?  All I can say is I'll not be casting clouts till a lot more May be out, & the thermometer starts registering much more positive double figures.

BUT I did notice pussy willow buds breaking and trees at various points, while not bursting into leaf, had that kind of 'bright coloured' look about their twigs which means leaves are a difinite possibility in the nearish future.  Actually Mum's honeysuckle, & mine, are already leaping into leaf.   Hmmm, whatever didn't get hacked back last autumn will have to, largely, stay now.  And me roses are putting forth shoots.  Better get the climber planted too.  Better get a pot & some compost to plant it in!  Come to think of it, s'pose I should get the Pyracantha berries in while this cold snap  continues.  Think they require a cold period to germinate.

And one of the best things of yesterday - apart from seeing Mum, who is as well as can be expected, thanks,  given her arthritis & the odd bout of sciatica.  At least  her chest hasn't played up this winter (yet!) - was that it was actually getting to this side of Bath before it got too dark to see out of the train windows - about 6.50pm.  Just think, next month it'll be til at least 8pm.   Yes, Dear Readers, the clocks all Spring Forwards this weekend.  But I'll remind you of that nearer the time.  BTW - that's clocks in the UK, & maybe the rest of Europe too.  Dunno about the rest of the world.

Good ain't it?  Mothering Sunday & what do we get?  An hour less in bed, that's what!  Go get/make, write & post yr cards Dear Readers, those of you who have mothers still around anyhow (Kitten?).  I already did mine yesterday - a couple of torn bits of hand-made paper, a few butterflies & some glitter glue - to cover up where  I'd stuck the paper on the envelope first by mistake!  S'pose I'd better do something similar for H's mum too?   Hmmm - what do you think H?  Think you might manage one yrself this year?  Cos we'd better get it in the post tomorrow at the very latest.

So to today's Thought for the Day: - Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness.  Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby (1826-1893)   See, this "Five a Day" thing is nothing new.

Go eat yr greens, yellows, oranges, reds, purples & blue(berrie)s & y'all have a good & healthy day now.

clocks change, mothering sunday

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