Wonders Will Never Cease!

Mar 11, 2006 17:39

Reasons to be Cheerful

One - The Spring is still a-springing.   I have daffodils flowering in our yard, along with the snowdrops, cyclamen, primulas, croci and ageing Winter Jasmine; with tulips, hyacinths and other narcissi in waiting.  In the front garden the hyacinths are coming out.  And they're pink.  So I hope the yellow stuff doesn't start flowering until they're over!  w00t!  It's the Miracle of New Life all over again and soon it will be time to celebrate The Resurrection.  More than one usually does, that is.

Two - These days it's still light at 6pm (although the majority of streetlamps seem to reckon it's gone Lighting Up time) and it's also light at 6.30am. even in these dark & dismally overcast days.  Trouble is, on days without the overcast anyhow, it's beginning to put paid to any early morning star-spotting - until October at least.  Ah well.  I didn't get to see this month's comet - we haven't managed to find our binoculars, but I have clocked Venus and Jupiter.  Been looking for Saturn & Mercury too, but without success.  Like I've said, I like to make the most of what is available, rather than mope about what I can't have.  Well some people appreciate it!   Even if they find my enthusiasm when I do find things a little wearing.

Three - Pompey, who have been playing abysmally  this Season,  played  Manchester  City today - at home.  I heard the crowd at one point today while changing the washing.  Don't know what the weather was like in your area but here the sun shone occasionally, the wind blew from  the Nor'east, but not too hard, and the towels were dry within three hours or so.  So I put another lot out.  Spring is defintely springing.

Pardon?  Oh, you'd better sit down.   Pompey won.  They were one all for ages, and with the current record a draw would have been something.  Then the guy who scored our first goal got the second, practically in the last second of Injury Time.  It's amazing what you can learn from a quick conversation with someone in a Pompey shirt, & Ceefax.  The Good Thing about this is that, not only have we broken our appalling record this Season, but we may not have to play the Scummers next season.

There now, better go sort the visual aids for tomorrow.  There, Four - I don't have to live in poverty, in anonimity & ignored by the very people who, if the could be sufficiently bothered, could do something about it.  That's us, Dear Readers.

H went into our local hardware shop recently.  Excellent shop is Bish's, by the way.  Chances are they have what you need, will sell you one if one is all you'll need, and will tell you the right way to install it.  On the rare occasions they've not had what we want they've known where we can get it.   Beat that, B&Q.  But I digress.

H:  I'd like some two by four, please.

Rob Bish:  Certainly, Sir.  How long?

H:  Actually I was hoping to keep it!   He was proud of that one.  Thing is, we've both used it there, several times, since!

Emjoy yr Saturday evening, unless yr in Oz.  In which case - enjoy yr Sunday Girls!

spring, wars of the roses

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