Good thing the washing dried yesterday. Today it is raining and forecast to continue to do so until midday at least. Yes, it's warmer, up to 12°C, but the consequence is that, with the wind veered sou'westerly, it's also WET. Having had the bin men round yesterday, they are followed by roadsweepers today, presumably to clear up anything the bin men might have dropped. Poor men, trying to sweep the gutters in this weather.
Writing of gutters - the window cleaner came yesterday (which is why it's raining today?) So H had a word with him and he duly returned, after completing his round, with ladder, bucket and shovel and cleared out our gutters. I reckon things have been growing in the guttering above the kitchen door for a while now, so it was good to have them all cleared. He took away two carrier bags full of gunk which, from the bit that got dropped in the yard, could have been used in the garden. Ah well, at least there's room for all today's rain.
Blow the weather! You've probably seen the Wedding Haka, Dear Reader, but in case you haven't,
look here. And you thought your in-laws were scary!
While on a much more domestic note, we have rediscovered the top of the dresser. Of course, now we need to re-clear the table and settee! Ah well, the back room is much tidier. H can start returning to work next week with a clear conscience too. For all he'll be travelling for longer than he actually spends at work for the first week.
Regular Readers will know that I'm hot on grammar and spelling, and Getting It Right. Apparently the Home Office recently put out a press release about new English language tests for migrants. Evidently they had the spellcheck turned off when they compiled it, and no-one thought to proof read it. Hence one of the headings read,
"New English langauge test for family route migrants."
The BBC has reported this on it's News website, which I think is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I've come across misspellings there before, probably will again. So much for the BBC's charter to 'Entertain, Inform and Educate'! Sorry, Auntie, but if you're going to point out such things, then you'd better get your own spellings in order.
Meanwhile H's Chicane is coming on. I've just started on the sleeves, which are the interesting knit bit. Off to knit some more.
Y'all have a good day now!