Health and Motivation*

Oct 21, 2015 15:38

H has been doing research on medications.  Turns out he can't have grapefruit with at least one of the drugs ('scuse the Tabloid headline) he's on, which is no bother to him as he doesn't really like grapefruit.  Yipes!  Some of the Really Serious Effects look scary!  Turns out I shouldn't eat grapefruit with the meds I'm on too (Quetiapine).  I like grapefruit occasionally.  Phooey!

Mind you, having read the link it turns out that when you eat your grapefruit relative to when you take your meds also has an effect.  So I reckon I can get away with half a grapefruit for breakfast occasionally as I take my meds around 10:30pm, more than twelve hours later.  Good!

As I often think, if these are our 'problems' then we are indeed fortunate.  To Ebola.  Some countries in West Africa were fairly badly affected by the disease.  Currently new cases are fewer and further between, which is looking hopeful.  Well, it was until the Scottish nurse who contracted Ebola when she was working in West Africa last year but was shipped back home Really Quickly and recovered suddenly came down with it again.  Now she has Ebola-caused meningitis but is recovering slowly.

This is unfortunate for her, but she's being looked after at the Royal Free Hospital in London, which is a Seriously Good hospital.  The really bad thing is that Ebola might recur in other people who had previously thought that they'd recovered.  Particularly people living in West Africa who don't have access to much more than a basic-level nurse, never mind a hospital of any sort.

Apparently the Ebola virus can also last for up to nine months in the sperm of an infected man.  Clearly Ebola is a much worse virus than we originally thought, and we thought it was Pretty Awful back then.  What is it with the continent of Africa?  They're struggling with poverty, extremes of weather, poor harvests, international companies making land grabs and resource grabs, corrupt 'leaders', endemic corruption, poor health care and poor health, and then there are wars, natural disasters and Ebola thrown into the disastrous mix!

Meanwhile David Cameron is trying to get a Bill through the House that will substantially reduce the amount of Benefits people are getting.  He says that they will end up better off, or no worse off at least, due to them implementing a New Living Wage (which is higher than the current base rate) and tax cuts.  What he doesn't say is that, if passed, the Benefit cuts will happen more or less immediately.  The wage rises and tax cuts will (might) come into effect in 2017.

All this from the man who not five months ago was banging on about how he and his government, if elected, would go all out to support the hardworking poor - cos many of those on Benefits are also in work and working hard.  They just aren't being paid sufficient to be able to afford to live without government help.  As they say, "How can you tell when a politician is lying?  When his/her lips move!"

As well as this we are currently being Officially Visited by Xi Jinping, President of China.  Never mind the fact that China are over-producing steel and dumping it on the world market and currently another steel maker in Britain is closing down their operations.  Never mind that China's Record on Human Rights is more a Record of Human Wrongs.  They are promising to build new nuclear power stations here for us so that we can carry on wasting electricity.   Nuclear Power Stations - Aaaarrrggh!

Just goes to show, what Really Matters to this Government is MONEY.  ^%$(*&@!!!!!

I'm off to knit, the wool arrived today and I'm starting on H's jumper, besides which it may help calm me down.  Y'all have a good day now!

*No, I am not taking up running.  It's raining today so I shan't be even taking up walking!

chinese human rights - lack of, medications, government, ebola

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