
Mar 25, 2015 13:03

The BBC News website has been re-jigged, again.  Probably to a format which fits better on the screen of a smart phone, there being so many around these days.  The result of the re-jigging is clearer but, and this is important, contains much less information.  As do the articles.

That written, the article on the 14th Dalai Lama and whether there will be a fifteenth is quite interesting.  Clearly any choice of Dalai Lama from within Tibet is likely to be orchestrated by the Chinese government, which has ruled Tibet for a good few years now - hence the present Dalai Lama living in northern India, in exile.  He says that, because of Chinese interference, he might just not re-incarnate** when he dies.  Which is one way of sorting things.

Another view is that the present incumbent is doing such a wonderful job that his re-incarnation will be searched for regardless of whether he has said he won't or not.  And, of course, if he's 'found' in a Chinese controlled area the implication will be that he'll become a Chinese controlled Lama - which is what the Chinese government really wants.  Except that attempts to produce Chinese controlled Lamas have so far been unsuccessful, the Lamas have, despite careful training, all turned out anti-China.

There are probably a good few years left in the present Dalai Lama, but it looks as if when the present one dis-incarnates things could get interesting!

As for what is trending on other parts of teh Interwebs - try these girls on a keyboard.  Bach would, probably, be impressed.

'K, that'll do.  Y'all have a good day now!

*Cos there isn't much today

**Of course, if you believe that, "It is given to a man once to die, and after that, The Judgement" he isn't going to reincarnate anyway.

tibet, music, news

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