Feb 10, 2006 15:18
Went swimming this morning. w00t!
Was recognised by one of the people on the desk, w00t! Something
was wrong with the heating and it was really chilly in the water.
unw00t! So I only did 10 lengths then came out for one of their
over heated showers to warm up again. I'm used to those baths
being a bit on the cool side, so you have to keep swimming to keep warm
but this was getting a tad ridiculous.
On my way out I noticed someone had been doing bits
of origami - a triceratops and a flower. So I did them one of my
elephants. Now to remember how to do the other one for next
week. See, I don't just do elephant 'jokes'. I can fold
them too!
Apparently there'd been a break in yesterday &
glass had gotten into the water. So they had to empty it to
remove the glass, then fill it again. Pity they don't have a hot
tap from which to fill it as well. Those who'd been yesterday
said it was colder today! Was glad to go round the pub to warm
up, even with the smoke. Roll on the smoking ban for pubs!
Then did the market & came home. It's a
beautiful day today & the chillly northerly wind has dropped
significantly. The weather forecasters are all talking about how
it'll be getting milder over the weekend. Blow that for a
lark! That's just weatherspeak for it'll be getting
overcast & damp again. Yukky!
Also got hold of one of the children's tomato pots
at half price in Woolies. So that may well be this year's
tomatoes - tumbler style. Also got some basil & parsley seeds
two for the price of one. That'll be sowings for next month,
better get the garden, & the sunny windowsills sorted out for
then. But right now I'm shattered, so it's back to bed for me, I
think, once the washing machine has landed and I've pegged out the
towel & cossie.
Q: How do you fold an elephant?
A: Like this! *Takes square of paper and proceeds to demonstrate, two ways!*
tumbler tomatoes,
origami elephants