Early Morning Astronomy.
Following a pointer in the "
Astronomy Picture of the Day"
website I've been looking at the early morning sky as H leaves for
work. Not only is it going green-yellow in the south east but
over the block of houses opposite are two planets.
Now Venus I recognise. It's big, it's silvery,
it's shiny, it doesn't 'twinkle' and it doesn't flash & move
(unlike passing planes!). The fact that it's sometimes the
Morning star, as now, & sometimes the Evening star is neither here
nor there. Jupiter is harder. It may be bigger but it's
also a lot further away. Like out beyond Mars (which I also
recognise - being golden with a reddish tinge).
So after careful study this morning I reckon that,
while Venus is above #36 opposite, Jupiter is out over the road above
#34! At 6.30am anyway. The Kitten did advise getting
http://www.shatters.net/celestia/ , which we did but when H tried
running it it quit & wouldn't say why. Any ideas,
Kitten? I got the Nauticalia catalogue yesterday on my
rovings. That has a 'scope' on which you dial up latitude, date & time
then peer through with one eye while looking at the night sky with the
other. The 'scope' has a labelled star map. Hmmm, maybe
we'll invest in that. Having tried various books etc the scale is
never the same. Thinx: Do we have sufficient spare arms
& legs?
Watched the "Horizon" programme on BBC2 last night -
"96% of the Universe is Missing". Of course, having gone through
the development of the 'Dark Matter' theory they then introduced the
guy who came up with the 'Dark Energy' theory which makes the maths
work, even if they can't find any physical evidence for either!
Now if I did calculations and came to the conclusion
that 96% of something was missing the first thing I'd do would be to
check my calculations to see what I'd got wrong and whether I'd maybe
gotten a conversion factor or two the wrong way up. But then, Maths was
never my strong subject. Though I reckon that, if their maths is
actually correct, the Dark Stuff which actually holds it all together
and makes it all work is God, & they've severely underestimated His involvement
So to yesterday's Rovings. After lunch I
checked out the "What's On?" page in our local paper then headed off to
the Dockyard. Partway on the way to Southsea me brain kicked in
so went the long way! Having reparked Jade outside the dockyard
(do I look like a bomber? There were bikes all over the place
anyway, employees I suppose!) I went to the Art in the Dockyard
exhibition. If you're in or near Portsmouth, Hant, England, in
the near future it's worth a look, & FREE!
The main theme is pictures of flowers, but there are
intricate wooden carvings, a textile piece and two magnificent glass
hangings. The hangings are strung from copper pipe (horizontal)
pieces of coloured glass, wired on copper wire, hanging down in single colour
'strings'. One is about 8' high and coloured from mauve through red,
rainbow sequence back to mauve. The other is about 3' deep and
bits of sea glass in shades of blue, green & white.
The effect of the rainbow one, halogen lit against
the 18th century redbrick wall was magificent. It'd look even more
spectacular in a sunny window. So there's another idea for a
craft project some time. Better hie me down to the beach & start
collecting seaglass. Copper wire I already have.
The a cup of Fair Trade cappucino in the Costa
coffee shop overlooking HMS Warrior and the common Hard. It was
gloriously sunny yesterday, out of the wind it was balmy even.
There were a couple of amorous pigeons too. I know male pigeons
are always up for it but she even seemed slightly interested.
Must be the Spring coming!
Decided, as the sitting outside area is North-south,
to sit in and enjoy the view & sunshine. Then cycled on
along the Front, oh the Solent was blue yesterday, and eventually round
to the Southsea Whole Food Shop. Then up to B&Q for some
Ericaceous compost so I can plant me Camellia, some pot feet for it and
the rose I planted Monday, and a ceramic pot for the Hippeastrum which,
on opening the Front Room curtains yesterday, I noticed was coming into
flower - white striped with deep pink, extremely pretty but very top
heavy. Hence the need for the heavier pot.
Got the lot, plus three lots of summer 'bulbs' - Lilium longiflorum, Ranunculus
and Lily of the Valley - then decided the compost was a bit much for
Jade & got a taxi home. I specify that I need one big enough
to take a bicycle & they send one. Otherwise it's load stuff
into taxi & hope H is home to pay it while I cycle! This
afternoon's project will be to get at least some of that lot planted.
Speaking of planting, I did get a few Coleus seeds
in yesterday. Must sort me seeds into planting month order,
as they suggest in the gardening progs & mags. I know there
are others I can plant from now on. Thinx: there are the
pyracantha berries too. They need a period of cold when they've
been sown to help germniate them. I need the pyracantha to
provide spiky twigs to protect the rest of the garden from That
Cat. It's less hazardous to me than all these bamboo skewers too.
Have you signed up to
Help the Aged's campaign to prevent Elder Abuse
if you can? After all, everything else being equal, we'll all be
old ourselves one day. I don't fancy being subject to abuse then
any more than I fancy the idea now, or of anyone else being abused
So it's "Good Morning" from me, and a wave of the ears from the elephants!
Right, time to go get ready. I want to go
swimming this morning before going down the Pub with Together.