Along* the lines of 'Oh the things you can knit**' -
bunting for the Tour de France when it visits Yorkshire this year. See what can happen when you get more than sufficient support - and you ask for a small knit.
I don't know, even the BBC is being affected by it! By what? By the 'just write it and publish' bug. Our local paper, the Portsmouth News, is full of such things. The journalist writes their article, submits it to the paper and lo, it gets published. Apparently the editor has other things to do these days than proofread, certainly the journalists do. After all, there is the Spell Checker which will highlight anything incorrectly spelled in red. There's the other thing which highlights dubious words in green. What there isn't, however, is a Sense Checker. A word may be spelled perfectly correctly, it may just be precisely the wrong word for the job, and unless you read through your article you'll never know! Of course, some may well re-read their articles and still not know, such is Education***!
So obvious things slip through, like "the technical side of ballet is just the pallet that we work with." Really? You sure you didn't mean 'palette' - 'artist's flat tablet for mixing colours on', rather than 'pallet' - 'straw bed or wooden platform' and so it continues. I still find it a bit unnerving when perpetrated by the BBC. After all, they once were the arbitrators of things English Language. Pity they've allowed the standards to drop, what with all the cutbacks, not to mention all the dumbing down.
I, and others, will continue to protest. Some of us may even protest to the BBC. We do pay the, not inconsiderable, Licence Fee after all!
On which note, y'all have a good, and properly spelled, day now!
annelaure might want to skip this para!
**To go with the book by the great Dr Seus Oh the Thinks You Can Think!
***See 'flaunt' and 'flout' - the one meaning 'to display', the other to 'go against'. I was taught that at Junior School, and I'm not saying how long ago that was!