Another Good Read

Mar 10, 2014 12:23

I Shall Wear Midnight arrived Saturday.  w00t!  So I spent the day reading it, even with chapters it is very moreish.  Ostensibly about witches and unthinking prejudice, with side orders of domestic violence, very basic witchcraft, hares and time travel.  Apparently the Discworld books have been translated into thirty-seven languages, which lead us (H and me) to wonder . . .  One of the great attractions of Pratchett's work is the humour, often LOL, always *grin*.  However humour tends to be a bit language dependent, specially the kind of humour Pratchett uses.  So how does that translate?  Is it translated literally, sort of word for word, or are jokes suitable for the translation language substituted, and how does that affect the story?

Should you, Dear Reader, find Discworld In Translation, would you let us know, please?  We're interested.

I shall re-read I Shall Wear Midnight, probably a few times.  Even with chapters it's moreishness means I tend to read on eager to discover what happens next.  I find it's worth re-reading to pick up the jokes and references I missed first time round!  Wonder how that works in translation too.  Hmmm.

Meanwhile the high pressure locally has meant sunny days, warm sunny days, think around 15-18°C*.  Lovely.  As a result the crocuses (croci?) are all over and the dwarf narcissi are coming out, as are the planted out hyacinths which were forced indoors some years back.  They look a bit like bluebells on very thick stalks these days.  Even places like the Somerset Levels are starting to drain, but they'll take a while.

Right, off to read and enjoy the sunshine.  Y'all have a good day now!

*This time last year we were thinking 'Brrrrrr!' as we were still snow bound, ice bound and generally freezing!

weather, reading, books

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