Saturday Roundup.
Dear Ol' H was very good to me the other Saturday, he recorded the Eurovision Song Contest rather than watching it live. So now he's watching the video. Think that's enough about the ESC, forever. Thnx, H.
So I'm catching up on the News & various other bits & pieces while the washing machine does its magic. Just hope the cloud remains cloud til it all dries. Would you believe it's thirty years since Star Wars hit the cinemas of the world? Well yes, if I think about it I would. I was at university at the time. Didn't actually watch the films til later. Still have to see part (Hmmm, what number is it, the one they made last anyhow). Probably won't bother. Interested Readers could try
This Link - for starters at least.
Hair Update: Apparently it is long enough to tie back in a ponytail, just, &, of course, it will grow. An advantage is that S is less likely to be mistaken for a (very tall) girl. Which will only be a bonus for him. Am also aware that, having blogged about it all, I may have forfeited any further phonecalls. At what age do parents cease to be embarrassing? Thinx: not sure mine ever were/are. Hmmmm!
Well, the war in Iraq seems to be achieving something -
a Shi'ite cleric is uging Shia & Sunni muslims to unite against the American (& British & a few others) invaders. Maybe, if the Iraqis will decide they're all on the same side, the Coalition troops could come home? Not that they should have been there in the first place! Maybe the Coalition governments could set up proper measures to ensure the infrastructure their bombing destroyed is rebuilt & the money doesn't just get 'lost'. Hmmm, maybe pigs will fly.
Having told you about the merits of drinking tea, now
a plug for Coffee - Fair Trade of course. There now, should you be prone to, or have, gout try coffee. Though I think it may be one of those 'swings & roundabouts' things. Gout or high blood pressure or whatever. Ah well . . .
Meanwhile Coca Cola are trying to get into the heath drink market - or should that be 'healthier drinks'. *Remembers a bottled (tap) water fiasco not so long ago* hmmm. Apparently the company has been set up with the stated aim of 'growing profits' for shareholders. Anti-Globalists & Anti-Capitalists of the World take note!
And the US, having read through the proposed G8 climate proposals, appears to be deciding to ignore most of them. Hello, USA. We're all on the same planet. Just cos you have dirty great oceans either side of you, which protected your mainland in two World Wars, doesn't mean you won't get to suffer the effects of climate change along with the rest of us. Or, perhaps, the wrath of countries who are suffering far more. After all, more people are already trying to get into the US as the place of choice for Emmigration. Think about it!
There, that's enough for one blog. Y'all have a good day now.