The 'Joys' of SAD
I MUST get my routine sorted. Up til about last week I was fine. Busy, a bit tired, but fine. This week it's been the old, "Go to bed at a sensible time; still fully awake an hour or so later, get up & read for an hour-ish, then back to bed around 1am". Which would be a minor annoyance (though good for getting in some reading), except that I then sleep on til around 8-9am, that's even if the alarm goes off (& I hadn't set it today).
THEN, having gotten up, I now have to put in 2 hours per day with the lightbox - which is OK when I don't have to go anywhere of a morning, & not at all good when I do. Today I put in one hour, & arrived at the pub, for breakfast, around 11.15am (Breakfast club starts around 10am)! Then I'm yawning through the rest of the day. Must. Remember. The. Other. Hour. This. Evening. Gah!
Fortunately, on explaining the night time thing, one of the girls suggested I have radio 4 on when I go to bed. So I'll be going to bed with Radio 4 tonight. H can turn up when he likes, & it can send him to sleep too! I'll let you know how things go. Otherwise has anyone got a recording of a particularly dull lecture -
papertowlbtrfly perhaps?
Whatever, after Breakfast Club I 'did' the market. Had the French Market there again - not as much as last year mais pas mal. Didn't actually buy anything, though I did look longingly at the Fromagerie. Wandered on. One of these days I'll make a shopping list, & remember to take it with me. Meanwhile I'm left staring at the stalls waiting for inspiration, or my Write Only memory, to strike! Think I got most things today anyhow.
What I did notice was lots of Dorothy-style pairs of red sparkly shoes - with and without heels. There now, how about those for Christmas partying, ladies. Along you go, dance the night away - or chat if that's what you prefer - then three clicks of the red shoes, "I want to go home" & who needs lifts/cars/taxies? Yeah, ok, so I'm a bit lightheaded as well as lighthearted today!
school pupils apparently want "more relevant lessons with fewer facts"! Good grief! Up to 25% of them are leaving school functionally illiterate now. Fewer facts & more relevant? Do they know what they're talking about? Or have they merely expressed themselves badly - thus implying that they could do with enriching their vocabularies at the very least?
Ooo-er, we've been given warning of a 'Vigorous' storm for the UK this weekend - I'll let you know. It's certainly been windy the past couple of days - got blown to a standstill several times yesterday afternoon, but then I'm not the world's speediest cyclist! One wonders quite how many of these Storm Warnings are provoked by a certain amount of backside protection & twitchyness induced by Michael Fish's, "Gale, what gale?" response back in 1986!, & how much by actual Climate Change! However we'll be doing the rounds a bit later on, battening down as we find necessary.
Writing of battening down, I'd like to be able to swap over the front garden. The summer garden (in two wall baskets) is still blooming lovely though - marguerites, pelargoniums, the occasional blue felicia, even an odd lobelia (though they are beginning to look past their best). The nasturtiums aren't doing nearly so well though. Probably cos they're still covered in blackfly! Oh, that front garden's been great for wildlife this year, it's the nasturtiums wot does it - blackfly & stripey caterpillars. Mind you, I've even found slugs & snails in it, & it's hardly been a damp summer.
Trouble is the winter front garden - two pottery wall bowls/boxes, is also blooming - lovely magenta spray chrysanthemums. But they're 24-30" high & I don't think would do very well in the present winds, never mind gusting up to 75mph (120Km/hr?). So they'll be staying in the back yard. Hmmm, maybe I'll try finding some lighter wallboxes/bowls & plant them with bulbs for next spring. I know the pottery ones are blooming heavy when you're up a set of steps trying to manoeuvre them onto the screws in the wall.
World News? Nah, go find that out for yourselves, Dear Readers.
Y'all have a good weekend now!