American Thanksgiving

Nov 23, 2006 10:01

Thursday Bits

Happy Thanksgiving to American Readers.  Break out the Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie etc.   Hmmm, we have some turkey in the freezer, & some dried cranberries, & a pumpkin . . .  We also have a Church meeting tonight, & H doesn't usually bother eating before one (too much else to do)   Too late for full dinner when we get home.  Ah well, another time.

Besides which, why should we celebrate the survival of the Pilgrims & all they, & others, went on to do & become?  Ok, so the help during & after WWII was much appreciated.  However I'm not entirely sure that outweighs eveything else.  Then again, why might an of Native American (Indian) decent want to celebrate their ancestors demise?

Meanwhile, round the other side of the globe, traditional Tea-houses are under threat in China - from rocketing land prices, & Starbucks.  See, I told you there were a lot of American things I, & others, am not so thankful for (not unless I'm desperate for a coffee, & feeling rich).  Mind you, I can quite see why the Tea-houses were closed during the Chinese Cultural Revolution - can't have people just chatting with each other can we?

And way, way up above all - so they made sure it wouldn't come back & hit them, but others entering near Earth space in the next few weeks (or 3 years) had better go careful, there's another bit of space junk to be avoided.  Some of us are old enough to remember Apollo 13 - the Event, not The Movie!

Another reason for pushing for peace worldwide - there are hundreds of teachers here as refugees.  Now if there was peace, stability, & a reasonable standard of living in their countries of origin then they'd be back there, teaching the children there - who now have no one to teach them, instead of being rounded up to join the latest group of soldiers!  Mind you, the teachers are not being 'used' here either!

Good grief!  They've just had an ad for moisturiser for men on Classic fM!!!  Do men use moisturiser?

Oh one last thing, as it looks as if my current 'Assassin' won't be finishing my Socks of Doom in time to kill me - "War" ends Friday.  So I would appear to be one of the Sock Warriors still still standing - currently statistics run at 79 still 'alive' & 41 'dying' - which includes me, for all I've told them I'm very much still alive & kicking!  News of the final winner coming next week, some time - it won't be me.

It's been fun though.  Many thanks to Yarn Monkey for organising it all, & through a hurricane which took out most of her area on Start Day -1!  The socks were quick to knit, the pattern simple, but easy to make a mistake & not notice til many rows later - w00t for crochet hooks!   The main challenge has been the postal service.  Cos it's an international affair there've been Sock Warriors in Canada, Oz, the UK, NZ, US, Sweden, all over.  So if you've been paired with someone half a world away you've had a week or two's grace to carry on knitting while your Socks of Doom crossed the Pond, or the Equator.  I've had three 'victims' - two in the States, the current pair is off to the Sunshine Coast of Canada - Post Office (ours) says to allow five to seven days.  You never know, maybe, being in the UK too (as YM is) might just be an advantage in the final "Kill off"!

Ok, nuff!  Y'all have a good day now!

thanksgiving, refugee teachers

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