Photos Day 2

May 02, 2011 22:31

I couldn't decide on only one photo of the bird's nest for this day, so I chose 2, but as they give pretty much completely different views... who cares?

We went here towards the end of the trip, or towards the end of the scheduled trip, it ended up only being half way through with our extended trip with delayed flights, but that's irrelevent to this.

There's nto much to say about it really, apart from that it was huge, and it was where the Athletics took place at the 2008 olympics, but that's a given. We were given a license to roam in the stadium, and most of us climbed to the highest seat, and walking amongst the metal "nest" pillars was pretty spectacular, although the higher bits weren't so hot if you were scared of heights. It's not exactly the Colloseum or the Circus Maximus in terms of pure "wow", but for a modern structure, it was impressive.

I did get a photo of the stadium from the 2004 Olympics when I was in Athens too, but it was only taken from the acropolis, so it isn't an amazing view, so not an amazing photo. Hopefully I'll have a picture of the 2012 olympic stadium though, we applied for a fair few tickets (if we get all of them we won't be having any other holidays for a while), but if there's as much competition as the media say there is we may not be going to the Olympics park at all. Anywho, photos. That is me in the grey hoodie in the first one, with slightly windswept fringe.

meme, chinaland!, photobucket is my newfound lover

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