Sep 20, 2010 16:25

I'm on a billion email lists (but not as many as I used to be) and I received an email today from the American Family Association regarding the senate vote about DADT that is apparently happening tomorrow. Here is an excerpt from it. I'm disappointed they didn't mention 9/11 at least once. All BOLDING is mine:

URGENT: Senate votes Tuesday (Sept. 21) on homosexuals in military
Call your senators immediately: Do not repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
September 20, 2010

Dear Friend,

The United States Senate will vote tomorrow (Tuesday) on a bill which will overturn the law that currently prohibits open homosexuals from serving in the U.S. military.

If passed, this bill will introduce sexual tension into the intimate living quarters military members share. This will be devastating for military readiness, retention, and recruitment.

It also will likely mean the end of military careers for conservative officers and chaplains who have deeply held moral and religious convictions that homosexual conduct should not be promoted in the armed forces.

The clear and present danger this bill poses to religious liberty is confirmed by this quote from Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick, who is the deputy chief of staff in charge of personnel matters for the U.S. Army (emphasis added):

"Unfortunately, we have a minority of service members who are still racists and bigoted, and you will never be able to get rid of all of them. But these people opposing this new policy will need to get with the program, and if they can't, they need to get out." (Source: Washington Times, 9/17/10)

Over 1,100 retired flag and general officers have signed a letter expressing their resistance to any change in current law, saying it will severely compromise the mission of the United States military and "impact leadership at all levels."

Additionally, 66 retired chaplains have signed a letter expressing their conviction that overturning current law will likely mean the end of conservative chaplains in the U.S. military.

To make matters worse, this bill will also turn every U.S. military hospital in the world into an abortion clinic, and will guarantee amnesty and a path to citizenship for certain illegal aliens.

wtf?, politics, religion

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