Jan 15, 2010 21:16
So I ended up on a blind date on friday. It's not that I can't get a date mind you, I've had several in the past weeks, but I like meeting new people. We had exchanged trite messages online originiating with her commenting that one of mine was cute. I had yet to see her. I always leave room for people to surprise me and I decided I wanted to put a face and conversation to the little lurker, so she offered to meet me for a wine tasting, that coincidentaly I frequest in which we would both have friends present. I was in a rush that day, and fully not expecting anyone interesting I didn't really dress up... She, having been stood up by her friend, skiped the wine tasting, not wanting to be surrounded by strangers, but agreed to meet me after. To my surprise she was not only gorgeous on first impression, but intelligent, interesting. Despite being very coy (admirably so at that) she opened up on the numerous subjects we had in common. All in all, I enjoyed myself. I don't know her well or what is in store, but if nothing else it's a pleasent reminder that somone special can come out of nowhere when your not looking. And that's just the reason I spent the better part of a year re-evaluating myself and throwing out baggage and bad habbits, rather than unloading it on some poor unsuspecting victim. I still have baggage but it's all in storage and I highly doubt it will come out for anyone except those who gave it to me in the first place.