Apr 24, 2010 16:46
I feel completely and totally cornered. There's really no one out here for me to lean on, to socialize with, to just forget it all with. Fred works 6 days a week and usually works 12 hour days, so I really hardly see him. The 2 people I see all the time, 1 I want to drop off the face of the earth. I loathe my mother. I never thought that I'd meet someone who I would loathe the same as her, for totally different reasons.
I cannot stand Fred's mother. I honestly believe she is a waste of resources and energy. She bitches about every single thing she has to do. She's supposed to work the office at the garage. She does that maybe once or twice a month, and holy shit the bitchings. She is supposed to be there as much as the guys. So she'd rather be a homemaker you think..HA. Dishes? Bitching. Cooking? Bitching. Cleaning/vacuuming? Bitching. I can't say too much about that, cause I hate house work, but when she starts interfering with my son, I almost get violent.
If he cries, she mocks him and thinks it's hilarious. If by any chance she has him while I rest (because I never fucking sleep) or clean upstairs, if he pees or shits, she bounces him in it, sings about it, and leaves him in it. If she decides he needs a bath, she takes out the infant hammock (that thing in the baby tub...that you know...you put the baby in so he doesn't drown) She takes it out. If she's around while I make a bottle, she criticizes how I make it, how much I make, the temperature of the formula, how often I burp him. She makes fun of how often I change his diaper. I'm sorry I don't want my son sitting in shit or piss. You wouldn't want it, I wouldn't want it, why the fuck would he want it?
Another thing that bothers me on a totally different level than the shit with her around the house or her bullshit with Trent, is ((3:41))
(was just interrupted to clean her mess)
((4:45)) I can't believe it took me that long to empty and load a dishwasher. She just leaves whatever she didn't eat on her fucking plates on the counter, so of course I have to scrape and scrub those before I get them in the dishwasher.
I totally forgot what else I was going to write.