Parks and Recreation I didn't love this episode quite as much as the premiere, but I felt like it was a pretty solid episode, and there were lots of bits I really loved.
I liked seeing Leslie navigate her first real tough decision in being a Councilwoman, although… I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about the issue? I actually appreciate that the show depicted it as there being 2 sides to the issue (as opposed to like the Sweetums episode which I remember being a lot more "Sweetums is evil!!!!" Granted, it's been a little while since I last saw it so I could be remembering wrong) and Leslie even had to struggle with it (although that ended up being more about her fearing for her job than considering the consumer choice side of it which I was kind of tending more toward?). I mean, idk, I feel weird talking about that issue because I don't really know where I stand, so I guess that's why I end up feeling kind of mixed about it as it was on the show, because I'm not sure if I liked it or not. (I'm not sure if I'm even making sense anymore.) But what I did really love was that Leslie had to make a tough decision and stick with it; there was no easy solution that would appease both sides that came out of left field at the last second. I feel like this show has been good about this in the past, like the episode with the budget and Bradley Whitford and the puppies and kittens where Leslie couldn't save everything, so it's not that this is new, but I like that it's continued to be a thing that Leslie does have to make these kind of decisions in this job.
And of course that scene with Ron!!!! He didn't have a lot to do in this ep, but that scene was just so wonderful, and I always adore their friendship. I love that he's tried to fire her 4 times but withdrawn it each time, and he also didn't give her an easy fix or solution, just that she had to go with what she believed. AND THE CALL BACK TO HER CHRISTMAS GIFT TO HIM LAST SEASON WITH HIM CLOSING THE DOORS VIA REMOTE AT THE END!!!!!!! SUCH GREAT CASUAL CONTINUITY ON THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!! There was also a good amount of Leslie/Ann in comparison to the premiere (considering… they didn't have any scenes together in the premiere from what I remember!) although they didn't have really any major nice scenes like the Ron/Leslie scene, but I did enjoy Leslie telling Ann she looked weird but then saying "That's a lie, you always look beautiful." awwwwww!!!!
The Ben/April stuff was also pretty great!!! APRIL CARING ABOUT THINGS!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS MY FAVORITE THING!!!!!!!!! And this episode really gave me hope that this is going to continue to be a thing this season, she will continue to have this development like last season where she was asked to step up in Leslie's absence, and she will get her own arc that's not just about helping Andy or her relationship with him or even with her helping Leslie -- all of which I definitely love too, don't get me wrong!!!! But April having her own, individual arc would be the actual greatest and something I've always wanted, so it would be all my dreams coming true.
I do have to say that Ben sucking up to the interns got a little old for me about halfway through that stuff??? But I did enjoy when he finally snapped and decided he couldn't do that anymore. The fact that April had drawn the picture of him was not too shocking, I had kind of guessed that from the start, but I did love their argument after he finds that out, and the whole exchange where she's like "12% effort" and he's like "THIS IS NOT A NEGOTIATION!" AND SHE AGREES TO 15%!!!!! AND THEN SHE GOES AND TERRIFIES THE INTERN INTO DOING HIS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD JUST THE GREATEST. As much as I'm going to miss Lesle/Ben (and, well, the interactions between any of the characters back in Pawnee with Ben and/or April), I'm really looking forward to the rest of this Ben/April in D.C. arc.
Oh, also, I have to mention everyone thinking April is Ben's daughter, because that had me absolutely dying. I'm just not sure if we're supposed to think that April told everyone she's Ben's daughter, or if they all just assumed that and she decided to play along? Either way, it pretty much killed me.
The Andy/Chris/Tom stuff was actually pretty good, too, which is surprising for me only because I don't care for Chris. But I have to say he's kind of… grown on me? That's not quite right, but I do feel like at this point I just have to get used to him being around because he's not going anywhere, and I feel like they've been using him better this season so far than last season? I mean, it just helps that his stuff hasn't had anything to do with Ann this season so far, and he's not creepily dating Jerry's daughter or anything, so. I don't mind him. And Andy was adorable (AND I DIED WHEN HE WAS TALKING ABOUT IT BEING TOO BAD THERE ISN'T A DOCTOR FOR THE MIND. ALSO WHEN HE TOOK OFF ALL HIS CLOTHES AND LIED DOWN ON THE TRACK!!!!!). And Tom didn't have much to do, but his cart thing was excellent, and him motivating Chris at the end was pretty great too.
Basically, this show is the greatest as always, the end!!!!
First off, holy crap was I shipping Nick/Jess in these episodes!!! I mean, I shipped them after marathoning season 1 last spring, but I feel like I just keep shipping them more and more??? At the same time, I don't really want them to happen for like many, many seasons because I know that it would mess with the dynamic of the apartment and their friendships (and I also enjoy lots of build-up, so there's that). So mostly I just enjoyed the shippy stuff in these episodes a ridiculous amount, but I also don't need them to start making out anytime soon.
Jess being laid off was SUCH a great choice, I think! I mean, they could've easily just continued with the status quo of last season and just… idk, gone with the same formula of what was working, so it was kind of a bold move to shake up Jess's life in this way? But I also think it's really excellent! Last season was a lot about getting Jess integrated into the apartment and getting to know all the guys and all of them getting to know her and developing this family. But we've done that at this point, so I love that it looks like the show is deciding that now that Jess has found this family, she's going to spend season 2 finding herself and what she wants and what her dreams are. And like… she's SO perfect as a teacher that part of me is afraid of the show losing that, but I think it'll be okay if they have her doing a bunch of different jobs and deriving comedy from that and all, and by the end of the season she can finally get a teaching job (or something related, at least). Or maybe she'll find new dreams that will be even better and more entertaining to see, I don't know! I trust this show at this point, for the most part. Plus, on a selfish level, I do enjoy seeing people older than me on TV who still have no idea what they're doing with their lives. (I DON'T CARE IF THEY'RE FICTIONAL THAT'S IRRELEVANT.)
AND THE GUYS' REACTION TO HER BEING LAID OFF!!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!! NICK DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HIS EYES AND SCHMIDT KEPT LOOKING AT HER LIKE A FAT KID ON A BIKE AND WINSTON JUST KEPT SMILING CHARMINGLY (IDEK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT, IT WAS JUST SO GREAT)!!!! And ugh I don't want to keep going back to Nick/Jess because that's really not the #1 thing I watch this show for, I love so much more than just them, but… the premiere really was so shippy for them that I can't help discuss it to death. I just loved how supportive of her he was, and how he kept trying to figure out how to help!!! ALSO JESS'S NICK IMPRESSION IS SUPER GREAT!!!!!! And I also enjoy her idea of what a Shot Girl is. AND NICK'S FACE WHEN HE SEES HER PICKING UP THE BROKEN BOTTLE ON THE GROUND!!! AND BEING NICE TO HER AND HER SAYING HE'S NEVER NICE TO HER AND HIM BEING MEAN TO HER TO TRY TO HELP MAKE HER FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!! Also he called her "Kid" as a nickname/term of endearment a couple times and I found it the actual most adorable thing, I kind of can't handle it!!!!! AND THEN HIS FACE WHEN SHE WAS DANCING ON THE BAR, HALF CRINGING AND HALF GRINNING!!!!!
UGH AND THEN JESS'S FACE WHEN SHE'S LIKE "I'm a shot girl." Like, even though I've come to absolutely love Jess, I'm still not always in love with Zooey or think she's the most brilliant actress, but that was just such a wonderful moment where you can see it sink in for her, and it was just a really great piece of acting. AND NICK GOING AFTER HER!!!!!!! AND THEN THAT SCENE ON THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!! HIS ARM AROUND HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!
The rest of the premiere was also excellent!!!! I mean, Winston definitely could have had more to do (that was really my complaint for both episodes, actually; he had more of a storyline in 2.02, but it felt very bare bones and way more about Schmidt than him, but I'll get to that), but that being said, what we got was excellent. I died every time it would cut to him and he would be drinking his fruity drink and his faces!!!!!!!!! AND THE DANCING AND SINGING AT THE END!!!!!! I hope this ends up being a long-running gag.
I'm still not thrilled with how the show broke up Cece and Schmidt, but that being said, I really liked what we got in this ep. The only thing I didn't love was one of Schmidt's lines that mentioned getting Cece back when we didn't see anything from him indicating before that that he had changed his mind after dumping her last spring? Because, I mean, he was the one who broke up with her and he had his reasons, even if they were idiotic, and we didn't really see any reason to believe he no longer had those reasons? But whatever. I just adored her bringing her new boyfriend and the reason she's with him is just that he's a good guy. Although that line of Schmidt's where he says there had to be an explanation for her being with him, like he was the lord of Winterfell, absolutely had me rolling. And she didn't seem bitter or resentful or like… idk, like she was trying to hurt him or get revenge? She seemed at peace with it. And I definitely think that they'll get back together in the long-run, but it was nice here. And her new boyfriend's line where he's just like casually "Yeah, congratulations on your penis, man!" had me absolutely dying.
The second episode didn't give me as many feelings, but I think it ended up being funnier? Well, the plot with Winston and Schmidt was not my favorite, mostly because it felt like it had been massively cut down? I had thought there would be more resolution between Schmidt and Winston's mom hating him? It ended kind of abruptly for me. And Winston really didn't have as much to do as I would've liked considering it was the first time we saw his family, and the show could've done more like… focus or development with him in the episode. Although I did love his line when he said Schmidt was dead to him.
But the other 2 plots were great! CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW AWESOME IT IS TO SEE JESS HAVING CASUAL SEX WITH A GUY AND NOT FREAKING OUT ABOUT IT AND THEN HAVING TO TRY TO JUGGLE 2 GUYS AND DECIDING TO CONTINUE WITH THE CASUAL SEX AT THE END OF THE EPISODE???? I like this so much because of how far it indicates we've come to last season. I mean, I just rewatched season 1 last weekend, and it's crazy to compare this episode to like the pilot (which I actually didn't see in my rewatch, but I definitely do remember her difficulty in understanding how to act on a date) or in the episode where she was going to have sex with Justin Long and was being all weird and freaking out. I just love that this show is no longer about how awkward and weird and cringe-worthy Jess is. But it also doesn't feel like it came out of nowhere? I feel like we saw enough growth and development of her over the season with her going through that relationship with Jason Long and then with Russell and with meeting these guys and finding this place in this family that it makes sense at this point that she could be this person. idk, I'm having a hard time articulating my feelings on this, but I just love it so much.
And the Nick plot!!! There wasn't much to it, but I loved it. Plus, the "Do we invent them? …no, they've been invented." OH, NICK. But, WAS THAT FORESHADOWING AT THE END????? I'm kind of excited and/or nervous about that possible foreshadowing that Nick is going to hurt Jess in some way this season. It could turn out wonderfully angsty, or it could make me hate Nick, idk, it's kind of intriguing. But it also could just be a weird throway thing, who knows.
There definitely was not enough Cece in either episode. All we got was her either in relation to Schmidt or Jess, and I really want her to get her own storylines, too. I would LOVE to see her interacting with Nick or Winston in some way, too. This show would go up even more in my book if they did more like… different kinds of combinations with the characters.
Glee um… I actually really enjoyed this episode overall????? I don't know how this happened!!!!! I'm trying to stop myself from getting optimistic about this season because I felt optimistic at the start of last season and then it all went downhill so quickly. But… idk, I liked a lot about this!
First off, BLAINE DEVELOPMENT!!!!!!! THE FIRST BLAINE VOICEOVER EVER!!!!!!!! (That I'm aware of, at least; I missed a couple eps last season and have blocked a bunch of others from my mind.) THE SUPERHERO SIDEKICKS CLUB!!!!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just… idk, I really liked the Blaine stuff? I liked his realization at the end that he came to McKinley for Kurt, and without him it all just felt meaningless, and I think it's great set-up for [Spoilers!]their break-up next week. Also, I liked Blaine and Sam being friendly!!! I just love the idea of Blaine getting development and making friends outside of Kurt, since… it's about time! (Also there's a part of me that wants Sam and Blaine to start dating even though I know it'll never happen just because it would be fun to see the Kurt/Sam shippers' heads explode as a result.)
The Kurt stuff I also liked! I mean, it's ridiculous that Kurt would happen into this amazing internship (it's not paid, right??? IT BETTER NOT BE PAID OR I WILL HAVE TO PUNCH SOMEONE) so easily, but mostly I'm just happy because after so many episodes of Kurt's dreams being dashed, it's nice to see something good happen to him. Which was also why I liked that the show decided to have Sarah Jessica Parker's character be a supportive mentor for him rather than more like Cassandra July. So that was enjoyable. And I feel like the Kurt/Blaine issues were pretty well executed? Like, Kurt was being selfish in just talking about himself and not listening to Blaine for the student council stuff, but it's also understandable that he would be so excited and unable to stop thinking and talking about the internship and be a bit oblivious to what Blaine was going through and what he needed to talk about. And the same with the end, like… Kurt probably could've excused himself to take the call, but I can also understand being in a new work situation and even if it's casual, not knowing if it's appropriate to step out, and also maybe not wanting to because of how great it's all going but of course having no idea what Blaine's been dealing with, and Blaine not knowing what's going on on Kurt's end and just feeling ignored. It was just… kind of well done, which is shocking for me to say about this show, but it's true.
And then the Rachel stuff, which… I'M KIND OF SHIPPING BRODY/RACHEL MORE AND MORE, I DON'T KNOW!!!! It's becoming less about being just about her being with anyone who's not Finn, and more that I actually just kind of like Brody? He's no Jesse, of course, but this show will never give me that (really, in my dreams, Brody and Rachel start dating and become a solid couple and Finn is gone forever and then next season Jesse shows up having been accepted into NYADA and Rachel is torn and eventually reunites with Jesse of course and then Broadway OTP!!!! NEVER LETTING GO OF THEM.), so I will take him instead. idk, they're just cute!!!!!!!!! Just, how he said "I like you" to her!!!!! And she cooked for him!!!!!!! AND THE KISS!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I mentioned for the last ep how I enjoyed him being upfront about his feelings for her so that she could decide if she wanted to keep spending time with him knowing about his feelings or stop their friendship (I saw someone mention this week that Brody was kind of a Nice Guy last week, which… I don't get at all??? I feel like he was basically the opposite of the definition of a Nice Guy, but whatever). And then this week, I just appreciated how like… he wanted to get to know Rachel and who she was before NYADA! And he liked her before her makeover. And I saw someone point out on Tumblr how he just… likes her and says it, in comparison to Finn who would have caveats with lines about wanting to touch her boobs even though they're small, or saying she's crazy but he likes her, or whatever. Brody just likes her and thinks she's hot, but also likes HER, and it's kind of refreshing. I feel like he will inevitably turn out to be a douche and Rachel will go running back to Finn, but until that point, I will enjoy them. I mean, even just a few episodes of enjoying a storyline on this show is pretty decent tbh.
The Will storyline bored me because I hate Will, so I tuned out of those scenes. But there was no stupid new kid stuff!!!!!!!!! No Unique wasn't great, but I will happily embrace the lack of Jake, Marley, and Quinn 2.0.
Anyways, next week is going to be potentially awful, but I'm kind of looking forward to it after this episode? I have a little bit more optimism that they might be able to handle some of the upcoming storylines decently, so… we'll see! It's really weird not just wanting to rage at this show all the time, I must say.
Scandal ahhh, I'm so happy this show is back!!!!!!! The premiere actually wasn't one of my favorite episodes the show has done, but idk, I still enjoyed it, and I'm really excited to see where this season goes.
Part of the reason I feel like I didn't fully love the episode was that so much was about Quinn, and I just… really don't care about Quinn in the slightest. And the reveal about who Quinn ~really is was kind of boring. I was hoping that her true identity or whatever would bring some depth to her or make her more interesting, but instead she's just falsely accused of murdering 7 people, and of course she'll be innocent and that's just… boring. It doesn't add anything to her character. So I can't say that I cared too much about that reveal. I also wasn't shocked by Huck and Olivia turning up in the flashback at the end. When they kept alluding to whoever started Quinn over with a new life, I suspected that if it wasn't Olivia, she was at least directly involved in some way, and it makes sense that Huck would also be involved. But what I am actually interested in with this whole thing is of course why Olivia and Huck are involved and what really happened with the explosion, so I guess that part of the storyline will keep me interested enough.
Also, like… Fitz/Olivia gave me a lot of feelings in season 1, and I have always loved the idea of them in the past but not wanted them now, but… they kind of left me cold in this episode? I guess because I just kind of want to move on from that relationship at this point? They can never work, and we've gone through the doomed aspect with them, so I just kind of feel like they're retreading the same territory.
The David/Olivia stuff also made me kind of sad. First, that he was advocating for the death penalty, just because I'm 100% against the death penalty, and it's obvious that eventually it'll be proven without a doubt that Quinn is innocent, so he'll just look kind of awful for advocating for the death of someone who is innocent. But also because I love the idea of them as a ship, but the show is making it seem (just based on this episode, at least) that that's not what it wants. idk, I just don't want David to be the enemy!!! I like them working together!!!
…ok so this ended up being more negative than I intended. I did enjoy the premiere overall, though!!!! And I'm just really happy the show is back and excited for where the rest of the season is going to go!!!
I haven't watched any of this season of Up All Night so far, but from what I've heard… I'm not really eager to? Maybe I'll wait a few weeks and then marathon some eps to see how I feel, but just… the idea of the Ava show being gone and Reagan being a stay-at-home mom and Chris working takes away so much of what I really enjoyed about the show when it first started and what I found really refreshing about it. Now it just feels a lot more… idk, standard or like other family comedies I've already seen a million times before? But I guess I haven't actually watched the episodes yet so I shouldn't judge it. I just have enough TV to watch that it's hard to get motivated to find the time to watch a show that I feel disappointed in.
I got really behind on 30 Rock last week and hadn't watched the last like 8 episodes of the season, but I finally caught up a few days ago, and ahhhhh so many feelings!!!!! 30 Rock is a show that I've always liked but never really gotten invested in in the past, and part of it is just because I feel like Liz has never been allowed to have a functional, good relationship or be really happy. BUT THEN LIZ/CRISS!!!!! AND IT IS HITTING ME WITH ALL THE FEELINGS!!!!!!!! LIFE IS HAPPENING!!!!!!! If they don't end the series together, I'm going to be devastated.
I don't understand how it's already almost October!!! IT BARELY FEELS LIKE IT SHOULD BE SEPTEMBER!!!!! And the new girl at work is still driving me crazy.
Just, I feel bad only complaining about her all the time, but she's SO IRRITATING TO ME. I feel like she just never listens!!! I just keep telling her the same things over and over. And I also just feel like she always makes everything about her and what she's doing. idk, specific instances that have annoyed me recently:
-A new client called in and wanted to see if we could handle finding a notary for a signing, and she was asking what she should do to us, and once we realized it was a new client, we told her to transfer the client to the CEO to talk to, but instead of doing that immediately, she started asking them questions, like when and where the signing was and stuff, and like… they're brand new with us so they need to be set up in our system first, and we kept saying "JUST TRANSFER THEM" and finally she did, but she just… SHE DOESN'T LISTEN.
-Some of the files require notaries to fax back signed documents after signings, and so you have to check the comments to see if it's that type of signing so you can let the notary know if there are fax backs. And there's also a section that gets automatically created when you assign a notary to an order that'll say "Waiting on faxbacks" and will pop up on a list for me to follow up on after the signing to make sure they fax back the documents. But like… it gets created on every order, so I have to go in and close them on the orders that don't require them, but that takes time and is low priority so I don't always get to those immediately. But anyways, last week she was asking if she could just look at that section that said "Waiting on faxbacks" to see if they required the docs to be faxed, and I explained that that's unreliable because it's automatically created and I have to go in and delete them on the files that don't require them, and sometimes ones that do actually won't have those opened for whatever reason, and she was like, "Oh, ok, I just wanted to see if there was maybe a shortcut" (which it's not really a shortcut, she just needs to scroll up the page and see if it is a certain type of signing and then she'll know if it requires it or not, but whatever). But then this week, a notary called asking if docs had to be faxed back, and she was like, "hmmm… in these comments it doesn't say it's the type of signing that requires fax backs… but at the bottom of the page it says waiting on fax backs!!! I'm not sure, they're saying 2 different things!!!" And it's like… seriously, I JUST explained this to you!!!!!
-There was a file a week ago where like… the notary was asking with questions on the documents, and she put them "I'm not really familiar with the docs, I'll probably just end up transferring you to Michelle," without even asking me first which was the first thing that was annoying me, and then she asked me about the specific document in question, and it was a new lender and a document I had never seen before, so I told her what I thought the answer was but that I really wasn't sure and that she should check with the lender. And so she told the notary what I had told her I thought was the answer, and it didn't really sound like she was going to call the lender which was annoying because I told her I wasn't really sure. But then the notary had more questions, so she said she'd call the lender and call them back. But first she asked me, and I was like, "Again, I don't know, I'm not familiar with these docs, I'm only really familiar with docs from these other clients I've dealt with in the past frequently" and she was like "Well, can you just call because you have more experience and know what you're talking about." But I was actually in the middle of like 5 other things at once, and she wasn't even asking, she just was trying to pawn it off on me, and it just really bugged me that she didn't even ask if I was busy or working on anything else, she just like… assumed I wasn't doing anything? And the thing is, the only way you learn and get experience is taking these kinds of calls and finding out the answers and then remembering them for future reference! I mean, like a week or two ago she asked me if I had taken any classes (in… notarization???? idk, I don't understand what kind of classes she thought I had taken????) and I was like, "…no?" and she was like "How do you know so much about the documents?" and I was like "uhhhh… I've worked here for a year, and I remember what I've learned?" And after she got the answer from the lender on that issue, too, she was like, "Boy, that wasn't a fun call!" and it felt kind of pointed in my direction because I hadn't taken it from her, but what the fuck ever, I've had notaries say "Fuck you" to me and yell at me and chew me out, all she had to do was call a client and ask them a few clarifying questions about documents, that's NOTHING. That's ROUTINE. UGH.
-I literally had to tell her "Use your common sense" the other day. Like, she's started doing some scheduling, but she would like… open an order and start going down the list of notaries and be like "What about this guy? Oh, he's only done 2 signings, but he did them recently. But then this guy has done 40, but his fees have been higher recently! But this other woman is a lot closer, but she's only done a few! Who should I call?" and I just had to be like "Just go by a combination of who's done them more recently for lower fees and are closer to the signing," but she kept asking who she should call, and at that point I had to tell her to use her own judgment and common sense. I mean, it's not like I was training her, I was doing my own stuff and trying to get my responsibilities taken care of, but she just starts going on and on about what she should do, and it's just like… this isn't hard, just call someone!!!
-Oh, and yesterday she was doing scheduling and she had asked who she should call in a certain area, and my supervisor gave her the name of a notary in the area who she should call, but then she looked at his info/signing history and was like "Oh, but he's 20 miles away, and the last few he's done have been for higher fees!" and like… first of all, 20 miles is not too far for most notaries, and most will still do them for our fees at that distance. And 2nd, I literally told her just a few days ago that the fees aren't always accurate because sometimes they had to make multiple trips or there were other issues that would cause a fee increase, and the fact that my supervisor knows the notary and was telling her she should call him should've indicated to her that she should trust my supervisor and just CALL him rather than constantly questioning everything. But that's what I mean when I say that she thinks she knows better than anyone else even though she's only been here less than a month.
And idk, just… she still asks questions without even saying anyone's name first (I used to answer her when she would do that, but now I've just stopped responding so either someone else will have to deal with her, or she'll have to actually say my name and ask me a question directly instead of just throwing her question out there for everyone and assuming everyone will be attentive to her), she'll just start talking loudly and expect someone to start paying attention to her without checking first if everyone's busy with other stuff. She keeps acting like she knows what she's talking about when she really doesn't, and even if you say, "No, it's actually probably because of this," or whatever, she'll still just stick to whatever she thinks when she really doesn't know anything. Yesterday night, actually, she was criticizing a notary for not having her own fax machine, and I was saying like "Well, if she has one at her office, I don't really blame her for not wanting to buy her own when she can just fax from her office," and stuff, and she was like, "You just always want to argue with me!" or something, and she said it like jokingly and light-heartedly, but it felt kind of passive aggressive? But then I feel kind of bad because… I kind of have been disagreeing with her a lot? BUT SHE JUST IS WRONG A LOT OF THE TIME AND I WANT TO TELL HER SHE'S WRONG INSTEAD OF HER CONTINUING TO THINK SHE HAS ANY IDEA ABOUT WHAT SHE'S TALKING ABOUT, WHICH SHE DOESN'T.
I did feel a little better the other day, I think it was at the point when the brand new client called and we were all telling her to just transfer the call and she kept talking to them instead, I looked over at this other girl who I get along with really well, and she kind of rolled her eyes at me like she was getting really exasperated with her. So I'm hoping it's not just me and I'm not a horrible person, but that she actually is that annoying to everyone else as well??? I kind of want to bring it up to this other girl, but like… it's hard to bring it up because like… what if I misinterpreted and she does like her just fine? Plus, it's one thing to complain to you guys who don't know her and will never meet her, but it feels a lot more gossipy and… idk, malicious or something, if I'm talking about her behind her back to someone else who works there. So I haven't brought it up, but it does make me feel better to at least she might feel the same way about the new girl.
ugh, idk. The bad thing is that my supervisor loves her, and I just… don't get it??? She's not even that great at her job, she's made a good number of mistakes, and she's so annoying. I think part of it is that they have like similar life experiences (they're both in their mid-to-late 40's, recently divorced, and have kids in their late teens/early 20s), but like… I would think she would notice the fact that she keeps asking the same questions over and over and not listening to what we tell her and all that. AND SHE'S JUST ANNOYING. I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE THIS ANNOYED BY HER. I'M USUALLY REALLY EASY-GOING, OK, I GET ALONG WITH ALMOST EVERYONE, I SWEAR. But something about her is just so grating to me, and it's only gotten worse, ugh.