Manly Request Week: First Fruits (FFVI, for Icca)

Aug 30, 2006 13:01

Title: First Fruits
Fandom: FFVI
Characters/Pairings included: Edgar, Terra, Setzer
Rating: PG, mild language.
Warnings: Silly.
Summary: Terra brings Edgar a gift.

For icca. Written for Manly Request Week.


Edgar paused in his rush down the hallway, straightening the cape around his shoulders with a huff: couldn't servants get anything right? He'd just received word that Terra and Setzer had arrived and were waiting for him, and that silly long-haired demon never missed a chance to mock his appearance. It was of utmost importance! to Edgar that his outfit be pristine, for Setzer - prissy bastard - would notice every mistake.

He continued down the hall, grumbling slightly to himself. Internally he was wondering what had brought Terra. Her visits were few and far between, as she was so busy helping the struggling Mobliz get back on its feet. Edgar himself had helped to fund its agricultural development, hoping to attract yougn adults looking for a safe and healthy place to live - perhaps she was here to ask for something else?

Setzer, Edgar knew, was only here because of his airship. And because the gambler would never miss an opportunity to mock the King of Figaro.

He rounded the corner, pausing to catch his breath - that hallway was long! - and then entered his sitting room. Terra was seated at the table with a basket before her. Setzer, in typical fashion, was leaning against a wall, his arms crossed. As Edgar entered - producing a joyous cry from Terra, who stood - Setzer simply smirked.

"Edgar!" Terra wrapped him in a hug, and Edgar put his arms around her in return - sticking his tongue out at Setzer, who laughed.

The gambler moved forward to clasp Edgar's hand, his eyes looking him up and down - "Damn, Edgar," Setzer drawled, "don't kings have better things to do than make themselves pretty?"

Edgar fumed.

"Here, Edgar," Terra said, oblivious to the undertones in the room. "I've brought you a present." She slid the basket across the table and opened it, taking out what appeared to be a covered dish. She took the lid off and presented it to him. "This is for you."

Edgar looked down. On the plate in front of him was - what in Atma's name was that? Strange slices of some unappetizing brown-skinned fruit with a pasty white center spotted the plate, although "slices" was probably generous: the thing looked to have been dissected by Edgar's own Chainsaw.

He looked up at Terra, who was beaming at him, her eyes crinkled up in a smile. "It's the first harvest from Mobliz," she said shyly, her cheeks radiant. "Our very first fruit harvest, and I brought you the first piece."

"Don't look so scared, Edgar," Setzer quipped: "It's just a pear. Stop looking at it like it's doing a headstand and eat it."

A pear? Edgar had never heard of a pear - but he couldn't think of anything less appetizing than the mutilated chunks of grainy white flesh. "Why - why me?" he stammered.

Terra's smile broadened. "Because you were the one who made it possible! You and Setzer, really. Without you Mobliz wouldn't have had any crop at all. So it's only fair - symbolic, really - that you two share the first piece as a thank-you."

"Go on, king," Setzer challenged him. "I already ate my half."

"I cut it up on the airship," Terra offered. "But Setzer couldn't wait to eat his!"

Edgar looked down at the mess again and then looked back up, momentarily dumbstruck that a woman with so much skill at the sword could be such a klutz with a simple kitchen knife.

Then he looked back down at the plate, hesitating. It was obvious that this gesture meant a lot to Terra - she was standing, an expectant look on her face, a smile still teasing her lips. Edgar felt his heart warm up at her heartfelt care, and before he could think better of it, he took a piece of the fruit (deliberately ignoring the dark brown skin) and set it in his mouth.

It was sweeter than he'd expected - a little grainy, but fresh, and with a slight stain of dirt-taste that made Edgar think Terra had forgotten to wash it. He chewed. It wasn't bad at all.

"Watch out, oh kingly one," Setzer cackled, "I think they give you gas."

"Setzer!" It was Terra's 'mama voice', one they'd all heard her use on numerous Mobliz children. "They will not. They're delicious."

"Very good," Edgar said, around the mush. It wasn't something he'd serve to dignitaries from overseas, but - he glanced at Terra's face, and the simple joy radiating from her, and couldn't help but smile back, his teeth full of pear flesh.

Setzer chuckled. Edgar ignored him. He'd eat pear every day to keep Terra smiling.

setzer, edgar, for icca, ffvi, terra, fic

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