Rydia : (26) : Eblan

Jul 24, 2006 14:03

Title: Home
Theme + Number: (26) Eblan
Claim: Rydia (character; challenge)
Characters/Pairings included: Rydia/Edge
Rating: K+
Warnings: n/a

Summary: Rydia makes her own home.

Eblan is turning into a home for her, more than Baron or Fabul or even Mist will ever be. The other kingdoms are perhaps more proud and noble than Eblan's caves and crumbling walls, but she is always a guest there. Mist is healing, slowly; though it will always be the place of her birth, it crowds her now, for she is their heroine. Rydia feels no more at home there than she does in large, grand castles with thick plush carpets and fancy doormen who categorize their salutes.

Eblan is slowly becoming her home because Edge gives Rydia her own space. (She is, continuously, amazed at how someone with so little tact can be so insightful.) Rydia has a room of her own but it is not necessarily near the King's; nor is it in the guest suite. It is simply her room. She is allowed to wander, bare feet through castle-hall and cavern alike, wherever the mood takes her; and if she wants to gather mossflowers, one of the chambermaids is more than happy to bring her a little vase. If she wants to spend the day in the library no-one will feel slighted. If she wants to help in the caves, she's allowed. She's comfortable - not demanding nor in demand - and it suits her.

It's true that Edge lights up every time she comes to visit him in the throne room; and they eat most meals together, and alone. But what Rydia values most is the feeling that she's not a guest in Eblan - she doesn't need to be entertained and taken care of and baby-sat until the visit is over. She's accepted; she's welcomed; she's home. She belongs here like she does not belong in Baron or Mist, and it's Edge's doing.

Edge gives her the room to be who she is and who she needs to be, and Rydia makes her own home of it. They don't speak of it, but they both value it: the trading of companionship with the space to feel comfortable. Rydia needs this first - somewhere she belongs, with no questions asked; somewhere small she can shape to be her own.

So Edge chooses not to comment when more and more of Rydia's belongings seem to find permanent homes within his castle walls; nor when Rydia herself begins to find a permanent home within the walls of his room. It is perhaps the most restraint he has ever shown; but Rydia is fashioning her own home out of Eblan's stone, and he's part of it.


For: mount_ordeals, FFIV
XP: brokenprism

edge, rydia 100 themes, rydia, ffiv, fic, edge/rydia

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