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Mar 14, 2008 20:10

Alright, a long time ago I started a list of my 30 favorite British/Irish/Scottish/Whatever guys and I never finished it. I'm determined to get it done. But between the time I posted the last part and now, three new guys have made their way onto the list (all three messing up my alphabetical order, so I'm starting with those three. lol


Alex O'Loughlin
Most people know him from Moonlight, but honestly, I can't stand that show. It's just too soap opera-y for me. And maybe it's only because I've only watched two episodes, but whatever. lol The first thing I saw him in, thought, was The Shield. I absolutely adore that show, so at first I didn't really like it because...hot as he was...he was brought into replace Mackey and you just can't do that. lol. The more they showed of him though, the more I started to like him. Then, of course, there was The Invisible, but August Rush was the first thing I saw where he got to use his normal accent and...WOW. lol

Video: A scene from The Oyster Farmer. I've never seen it, but....damn....maybe I should. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbNgJLtCBoI


Gareth David-Lloyd
Yes, originally I started watching Torchwood because everybody on my flist loved it, and because....Captain Jack. It didn't take long for Ianto to become my favorite though. He's just so adorable, every single week. He and Captain Jack are my Torchwood otp. It doesn't help that I hate almost every other character on the show (I'm warming up to Owen)

Video: Jack and Ianto in the season two premiere Kiss Kiss Bang Bang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3tzfrjiXxM

**Bonus Vid** Ianto raps (I HAD to. lol) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8HcTW-Eg98


James McAvoy
I've liked him ever since Chronicles of Narnia (cause who doesn't love Mr. Tumnus, really?) but, like a lot of other people, I didn't really notice him until this year. When I saw he was in Becoming Jane I wanted to see it, but it never came here so I had to wait for the dvd. To make myself feel better about missing it, I rented Starter for 10. LOVED it. James McAvoy and Dominic Cooper, where can you go wrong? And then, of course, there was Atonement. Absolutely beautiful, and absolutely heartbreaking, and I'm still a little upset he didn't get an Oscar nod. Even if he stood no chance of winning. lol

Video: James McAvoy and Craig Ferguson demonstrate "The Scottish Vacuum of Charm" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRrk3zZmksE

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Chiwetel Ejiofor
Alright, yes I know. He was a big douchebag in Love, Actually but that doesn't negate his awesomeness. My friends all think I'm wierd cause, as big a Firefly fan as I am, he was my favorite in Serenity. The Operative was just such a fantastic character (Of course, he came from Joss' twisted mind. lol). He's an incredible actor, gorgeous, AND he's got the hot accent. What's not to love? Check him out in Talk to Me, Kinky Boots (bonus hot brit: Nick Frost), and American Gangster.

Video:  The Final showdown between Mal and The Operative http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIs8IokGpEo


Mark Addy
Seriously, has anybody else on my flist seen Full Monty? One of my favorite movies ever, and he was by far my favorite. Who didn't love Dave? All adorable and insecure. lol He does a damn good american accent too (Jack Frost, Still Standing), but I'm sure most people recognize him from A Knight's Tale as one of Heath Ledger's friends. That movie just kind of depresses me now though. He was also in The Order with his Knight's Tale costars Heath, and Shannon Sossyman (sp?).

Video:  I couldn't find a clip of my FAVORITE scene from The Full Monty, so you get a Still Standing clip. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsP1EX2HPMQ
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