So here is the basic summary of my research thus far...
My research is on special needs integration within multi ability classrooms and strategies for teachers using drama and theatre techniques. During some of my preliminary visits to a few classrooms I noticed that several of the children who had various learning and social disabilities were performing on a level playing field during the structured drama lessons. I am hoping these occurences were not flukes and that there is in fact a correlation between the use of drama and higher performance from special needs pupils.
Essentially what I get to do is visit two separate classrooms for a month long period, visiting them about once a week to lead a drama workshop (these are usually based upon some sort of narrative such as a story or poem that the children use to base their improvisational and scene work on). Myself and my research assistant/partner Lyda will be watching the progress of the special needs children within the class and watching how they interact/participate in the activities. We will then be comparing this with the teacher's observations of their work in other subject areas. We are also hoping to do some structured interviews with some of these students to see what they think of the lessons. Evaluations will also be done by the teacher(s) to chart the progress of the students as they watch them throughout the course of the study.
phew. bored yet?
yeah so it's a little scary since your entire 30,000 word dissertation hinges on whether these students "show noticeable improvement" over the course of my work with them. Yeah, that's right folks, i'm changing lives...who do I think i am??
hahaha, so there it is...just in case you were wondering.