Apr 01, 2007 22:18
sheesh i'm lonely.
Warwick campus has been emptied out because we have 4 weeks off for spring break (!!!), which means that everyone is either at home or on some exotic vacation. Since I already did that whole Greece thing, I'm stuck in my building with all the Asian kids who also aren't going home.
all my dissertation proposal work has been accepted and they're sending me in with the test kiddies when we get back on April 24. I have to say, I'm really scared. If these kids fuck up my research i'm gonna kick their cute little uniformed asses. Right now though i'm knee deep in literature review and readings for a 40 page assignment due when i get back. Good thing things aren't too happenin' around here.
I've got a part time job interview this week to work in the library. I applied for the job not really asking what it was, then i find out i get to be LIBRARY POLICE! You know, I get to be the dickhead who walks around telling people to switch off their phones or to stop making out in the stacks. But hey, for 7 pounds an hour i'm willing to get feisty.
Eating beans, toast and ramen noodles is totally worth the amazing trips I have planned in the near future. I just hope my skin returns to it's normal shade soon.